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Sunshine Coast Airport

A Solution



Following the Public Meeting at the Airport on Monday 29th. March 1999 concerning the East/West Runway, it was patently obvious that;
Council had badly underestimated the depth of public feelings on this matter.

Even though it was RAINING. And even though Council had been sure NOTto publicize the event.
An estimated
400 local residents(
Not 100 as reported in the media.) braved the elements to voice their concerns to the 8 Councillors and the C.E.O. Mr. Kelvin Spillerabout what is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE facing Council EVER.

Airport Master PlanNumber 22
Since the FIRST Airport Master Plan 17 years ago there have now been some 21 similar reports, and they have ALL said basically the same thing.

“We NEED an East/West Runway.”

Even in the latest (No.21) in which Council attempted to pre-empt the final conclusion by its brief to the consultant to “maximize the existing facilities” (Page 88) -- The bottom line is;

“In the not too distant future you'll NEED an East/West Runway”(Page 89)

Unfortunately for us ALL, Council made the wrong decision back in 1983 when it decided to upgrade the 18/36 runway for $9.8Min preference to the RECOMMENDED option of constructing the 13/31 Runway (And all its associated infrastructure, terminal, parking etc.) for $10.3M. 
(Estimates vide “1982 Master Plan F28 Upgrade” by G. H. & D.)
It’s easy to be wise in hindsight. - So why is Council STILL persisting with the 18/36 Runway ?

History has now proved how this short term SAVING has been the root cause of all the present problems. (Including the NOISE problem.)


We are fully aware of the enormous expense involved in now trying to correct the 1983 mistake.
If Council still wishes to proceed with a STAGED DEVELOPMENTas recommended in this latest Master Plan, the following short term solution may be a way out (For ALL of us) ;

The East/West Runway sould be commenced and constructed to a stage where it could share the RPT traffic up to and including the size of Sunstate's Shorts.

This could be done in such a manner as to be PART of the Futuristic 13/31 Runway if that dream was ever to be realized in the year of 2015 or beyond.

This would be a relativelyinexpensive, short term solution to most of our present problems and, in combination with a curfew would go a long way in restoring peoples faith in the Council
which aspires to be (among other things).........

“..The most Caring Community in Australia.”

But it is now estimated that the 1st. Stage will cost a whopping $17,000,000-00 and it still won't handle the existing Jets.
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What can YOU do?
If you agree with the above SOLUTION, you could help by WRITING LETTERS to; Council, Members of Parliament (both State and Federal), Ministers and the Papers and having a say in YOUR FUTURE

5448 9618
or you can call AirServices Australia through
The Brisbane Noise Enquiry Unit on
1300 302 240