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A Long Way


When all you see is the road.

When all you hear is the tires song.

When all you feel is your thoughts.

When all you know is nothing.

That is when you can never go back.

Because that is when you're on the path of life.

Everything is a metaphor, every memory is a milestone.

Nothing can take that from humans, from us.

Everything is chosen. But we are the choosers.

We chose our path hoping it would be straight and true.

But it was not. It was curvy and a liar.

Our scorn almost destroyed us.

Our curiosity tried to save us.

But in the end it was blind, all healing love.

And nothing will take that away, not ever.

We are those of intellect, those of strength.

No one has ever found their way.

Yet everyone has.

How can you find your way?

You can't.

You must live your life.

Your way will become clear as you go on.

And everyone has a long way to go.