Agent 33
Kara Palamas
F) Rm30
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Ty6
Health: 70 Karma: 46
Resources: Gd Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Photostatic Veil: In ability to imitate the facial structures of any person she chose. This was done by an optical scanner built into the veil, which photographically copied a person's face before morphing into an exact replica. On a negative side, this process could only imitate appearance, not voice, and the optical scanner could only maintain three photos of data at a time. Given her hair and her facial structure, Agent 33 had difficulty transforming her face into males; they appeared too feminine to be believable.
Pistol: Gd Shooting, 3 areas
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Military, Detective/Espionage, Disguise, Pilot, Guns, Marksmanship
Contacts: HYDRA, Grant Ward; (Formerly) S.H.I.E.L.D.