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Typical Berserker

Typical Berserker

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 140 Karma: 40
Resources: Ex Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Asgardian Physiology: The Berserkers were the resurrected army of ancient Einherjar Guards that served Hela. Their very bodies give them the following abilities:
-Invulnerability to Physical, Energy, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Aging and Disease: Rm
-Immortal: Does not age

Swords: (x2) Mn material, Am Edge

Talents: Weapons Specialist: Sword, Edged Weapons, Acrobatics, Tumbling

Contacts: Hela