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F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 110 Karma: 36
Resources: Ty Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Fangs: Gd Edge
Berserker: ignore stuns & Un resistance to mind control. A yellow psyche FEAT. must be made to come out of it.
Leaping: Gd
Immunity to Vampires: Un, Cannot become a vampire or be controled by a vampire through being bitten.

Sword of the Daywalker: Am material, In Edge, has the following abilities:
-Security Measure: Should someone other than Blade hold the sword on the handle, it causes an In Edge attack on the person's hand.
Daggers: Ty Edge
Glaive: Ex Thrown Edge, by making a Red Agility FEAT, he can make the Glaive return to him.
Mach Pistol: Fires 2 rune covered wooden daggers, Rm damage, 10 areas
U-V Grenade: Am damage to vampires within a 3 area radius

Talents: Edged Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Marksmanship, Martial Arts A, B, C, Occult Lore

Contacts: Whistler, Nightstalkers