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Green Goblin

Green Goblin

Norman Osborn

F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 220 Karma: 60
Resources: Ex Pop: -20/15

Known Powers:
Leaping: Ex, up to 4 areas
Resistance to Falling: Up to 50 ft

Goblin Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Energy, Edge and Shooting. Has the following power stunts:
-Glider Controller: The Green Goblin is able to control his glider with Am ability, even when he’s not on the glider.
-Sleeping Gas Spray: The Green Goblin fires sleeping gas from a wrist chamber. Victim must make a Red End. FEAT vs. knocked out for 2-20 rounds. 1 area
Helmet: Rm protection vs. Blunt Attacks
-Air Filter: Immune to Gas attacks
-Voice Synthesizer: Gd Voice Disguise
Pumpkin Bomb: Am Explosion to 1 area
Razorbats: In material, Rm Edge, the Razorbats lock on to the victim and fly after them.
Spear: In material, In Edge
Cable: Am entrapment
Paralysis Gas: Covers 1 area, Victim must make a Red End. FEAT vs. paralysis for 1-10 rounds.

Goblin Glider: The Glider is the Green Goblin's personal vehicle:
-Body: Am
-Control: Am
-Speed: Am
-Protection: In
The Goblin Glider has the following weapons system on board:
-Blades: Am material, In Edge, The Glider can move up to 4 areas in a round, but only in a straight line. The Glider receives a +2CS when charging and provides Un protection against any damage The Green Goblin might take.
-Machine Gun: In Shooting, 7 areas
-Missile Launcher: Mn, 3 areas

Talents: Business/Finance, Engineering, Chemistry

Contacts: OsCorp Industries, Harry Osborn

Norman Osborn

Green Goblin wielding his Spear