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F) Rm30
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Rm30
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 70 Karma: 120
Resources: Am Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Master Sorcerer: Hamir is one of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, possessing a considerable mastery of the mystic arts, which he uses to defend his native reality. He is able to perform the following spells:
-Eldritch Magic Manipulation: Mn ability to create, shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic. He demonstrated the ability to form the following:
--Mandalas of Light: Mn Force Field
-Astral Projection: Un ability to separating his astral spirit from his body, gaining access to the Astral Dimension
-Transmutation: Am

Sling Ring: A mystical object which enables the wearer to open a fiery portal to perform the following power stunts:
-Teleportation: Un ability to move across both the physical world and the dimensional Multiverse.
-Interdimensional Travel: Un ability to travel between different dimensions and universes, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality.

Hamir is missing his left hand

Talents: Mystic Lore, Multi-Lingual: (English, Sanskrit), Martial Arts A, B, D

Contacts: Ancient One, Masters of the Mystic Arts