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Control: Gd
Speed: Gd
Body: Am
Protection: In

Weapons System:
-130mm Cannon: the primary offensive weapon on the HYDRA Tank, armed with advanced cannons that could fire Am Energy to a target, usually a vehicle or structure, per shot, affecting all within the target area.
-50 Cal Machine Gun Turret: Rm Armor Piercing Shooting per deadly burst.
-Armored Side-Skirts: These steel plates offer the treads of the HYDRA Tank; however, they don't totally shield the things from enemy fire, so a called shot will hit them normally (they do, however, have Rm material all by themselves).
-Commander's Cupola: resting at the center of the 130mm cannon's swiveling turret, this unit allows the tank commander to direct the tank from without, if he so chooses. The .50 Cal machine gun is mounted on this device, so the commander can use it directly from here if he wishes.
-Communications Suite: The HYDRA Tank is equipped with a radio transceiver system, allowing for the pilots to send battle-field data to a central command, and then receive new orders in turn. This functions at Ty rank, and has a maximum range of about 100 miles.
-Gear Cases: The HYDRA Tank has, spread about it, various cases filled with useful gear. It has a fully stocked first aid kit, tool kit, and a small case for its pilots' arms and ammo, should the HYDRA Tank get disabled and its occupants have to fight it out directly.
-Periscope: This offers the HYDRA Tank pilots, if one is not in the commander's cupola, effective circular vision, allowing them to perceive all 360 degrees of terrain around them. This, of course, only works if they're using it, and somebody has to be constantly using the periscope to benefit from this.