F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Am50
Health: 86 Karma: 90
Resources: Ty Pop: 20
Known Powers:
Empathy: Am ability to sense emotions, 20 Area Range, In addition, she can also experience a person's feelings rather than simply sensing them.
Recovery: Am
Body Resistance: Rm resistance to Physical
Resistance to Disease and Toxins: In
Pathokinesis: Am ability to manipulate emotions to some degree using her touch. For example, she can make a sad person happy, or calm down an angry one. She is able to perform the following power stunt:
-Sleep Inducement: Am ability to cause a person to fall asleep almost instantly, using her powers to manipulate a person into becoming docile. This technique can even incapacitate an enraged Celestial, but doing so requires a Red Psyche FEAT every round to maintain.
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, D, E, Resist Domination
Contacts: Guardians of the Galaxy; (Formerly) Ego\