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The Mind Stone

The Mind Stone: The Mind Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predates the universe. It was previously wielded by Loki inside his Scepter who received it as a gift from Thanos for the Chitauri Invasion. After the Battle of New York, the Scepter was confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D., but it was later stolen by Wolfgang von Strucker's HYDRA cell whose scientists used it to give extraordinary powers to the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff using the power of the Stone. After the fall of HYDRA, the Scepter was recovered by the Avengers. It was taken by Ultron and its blue gem casing was shattered, releasing the Mind Stone inside it and was used to give life to Vision. It has the following abilities:
-Computing Core: After the core was cracked open, the stone inside was found to be a powerful computing device containing advanced knowledge. The code inside was able to grant sentience to computers or machines with Mn ability
-Mind Control: Un ability to override the will of others, causing them to do things they normally would not do. The target is allowed a Psyche FEAT roll against the intensity of this power to resist mind control. People put under the Stone's control will often regain their individuality after receiving a significant blow to the head, since a temporary loss of consciousness will allow their normal mental state to "reset" and return.
-Telepathy: Un ability to converse with anyone via a direct mental link. Should the Mind Stone be working willingly with its wielder, this limitation is ignored, and the wielder can mentally contact anyone, anywhere.

The Mind Stone in Loki's Staff

Chitauri Staff: Un material, the Chitauri provided Loki with a staff that he can deal Am Edge or Blunt damage. He can also perform the following power stunts:
-Energy Blasts: Up to Un Energy, 10 areas
-Mind Control: After coming in contact with Loki's staff, the target is under Loki's control with Mn ability. The target must make a Red Psyche FEAT vs. mind control. If the target is knocked unconscious, then they can be freed from the control.
-Telepathy: Un ability to converse with anyone via a direct mental link. Should the Mind Stone be working willingly with its wielder, this limitation is ignored, and the wielder can mentally contact anyone, anywhere.