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The Red Skull

The Red Skull

Johann Schmidt

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 170 Karma: 90
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Super-Soldier Physiology: Schmidt was interested in the Super-Soldier Serum created by Dr. Erskine, so he took is own version and transformed him into a disfigured version of himself, the Red Skull. It gave him the following:
-Rapid Healing: Ty
-Self Recovery: Un
-Resistance to Toxins and Disease: Un resistance to Disease and Toxins
-Hyper-Running: Pr Running (2 areas/round) without tiring.

Energy Pistol: Am Energy

Talents: All Martial Arts, Leadership, Military, Guns, Marksmanship, Military, Engineering, Weapons Engineering, Norse Mythology

Contacts: Hydra, Dr. Arnim Zola, Heinz Kruger