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Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer

Norrin Radd

F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Ex20
I) Mn75
P) Am50

Health: 325 Karma: 145
Resources: Rm Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Invunerable to Heat and Cold
Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to breathe, can survive in space
Total Recall: Un ability to reveal information he remembers to others

Surfboard: CL3000 material, The Silver Surfer’s board is a construct of unknown material. The board is psionically linked to its owner and can automatically respond to his mental commands. When he rides it, the Surfer’s feet automatically adhere to the board’s upper surface. When on his board, the Silver Surfer has Un ability to channel and manipulate cosmic energy. Silver Surfer is able to perform following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Un, may increase it to Un for 1-10 rounds
-Power Blasts: Un, Raise a single ability score (his or anothers) to Un for 1-10 rounds. If the ability is Un already, it may be raised to Sh-X on a Yellow FEAT
-Healing: Up to Un damage
-Reconstruct existing elements
-Persieve any energy source
-True Flight: CL5000 airspeed, Sh-Z airspeed in atmosphere
-Dimension Travel: Once its maximum speed is reached, the board can enter hyper-space to quickly reach any section of the universe.
-Phasing: Mn ability to render itself and its rider(s) temporarily immaterial. This power is used to enable them to pass through a barrier or to travel through space without risking collision damage with spaceborne particles.

Talents: Space-Pilot, Astro-Navigation, Martial Arts D

Contacts: Galactus, Fantastic Four