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Q         Not in the manner that this one?

A   1t,_-      So.

0         Were there any other bruises that you

remember from the body besides the one you talked

of earlier?

A         No bruises; there were no bruises, right*

Q         Now, lacerations, you said there ware

five lacerations in the elbow?

A         That ia ri?ht»

Q         And I believe you said in your opinion^

those would have been formed from the time of death

to 24 hours prior to death?

A         I would say that, yes,

Q         And lacerations are scratches?

A         well--

Q         Cuts?

A         Well, these were ecratches.   I can't say

«mr^L thfty came fromj but they were consistent with



v4|fi^^,h«.v« seen with fingernails.   It could have

-I   IT————         "':            r ^.        <-t'              '            --

bMtt •onething elsej I can't testify to what it was,

Q         Could those have been formed after death? A         HO,


y »


P-09HEE  & TUR'^K

••GISTG^ED P"OF6£SlQr4*L       "tem I IDS •••K ^l_*CE TOW^ 8lPlUir4<B"4U, ALJBAVA J1;DJ 1JQ9-J3 1 -41001


(t-.        Tou can only get cut before death?

Jfc'        NOf but th»r< is a differenco appearance.

Th«r« ia not that redness*   Sae, when ther* if no

blood prasaure, when one dias and, therefor«, th«re

La just a cutting of th« ti«fiu«» whereas this had

blood in tha tiasut.

0         And that also could hava been up to

24 hours prior to dftath?

&         Yft«.

0         Waa thtrc any blood loaa trom thcsa   ^

lacerations, thay ar« just consistent with


A         Mo blood loas that would b* of any

significance,   Th< complete loss might have bean

on* drop.

Q         Wr« th»r» any aigns of physical intor-

cours* on th« body? Excus* me/ saxual intercourse?

^'w. '^hat 1 can testify to?



f /;,- -.•',' - / -

^.^^.",-^ -'> Tea.

0                       Are you aware of any?

A                       Well, I have got hearsay evidence.

Q                      What is your source of hearsay. Doctor?



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K        Do you want me to give it to you? 0-        Yes .

A         There was spem on the clothing of Ms, Reynolds .

Q         And that is just what somebody has told you, or you heard?

A         Well, yes* I heard it from my officer-that since" Q         Was any of it located on the inside of

the body that you are awarft of?                 ?


A         No*

0        Or any on the'body?

A        well, 1 heard there wa» some on the

panties, the rim of the pantiM.

Q         Any other evidence of sexual intercourse?

A        No.

MR» DEEN;   I have nothing further.




•\ ^-„_ MR, FREEMAN t   One moment. Your Honor.

. '" s

'" '•' We have no further questions.

THB COURT;   Thank you. sir, you may

step down.

MR. freemahi   May he be excused?

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