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In Loving Memory of
Jaime Melissa Evans
June 15, 1976 - October 27, 2004

In Memory of Jaime M Evans
June 15, 1976-October 27, 2004

There are no stars tonight but those of memory.
--- Hart Crane

Dear Friends,
Let us honor and remember Jaime Evans on her anniversary
God bless you all, and God bless you Jaime
and may He keep you in His everlasting love

Blessed Heavenly Anniversaray Dear Jaime

I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one,
I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo
whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
to dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
When life is done.

Arrow in Time-

Walking down the Path of Lovely Memories
I suddenly realize and fall upon my knees
I raise my head to God
and I begin to pray
Seeking words from God
I hear my Angel say-
Mom - don't keep on crying,
don't go on this way
Live your life with Love,
Laughter in the day
It's only a short while and you will truly see
We never really parted
you'll be again with me!
With Love for Jaime from Mom


Got up really early, had to staighen up my life
Did the dishes, made the bed, have to be a real good wife.
Went to see my daughter to bring her flowers on her day-
Talking about the years that slowly pass away.
If only a magic wand, a mystical star above I could see
Anything I wish for to take this away from me.
Here I stand ... dead flowers in my hand-
Clearing up the site where you'll be again tonight.
Start to drive back home, thinking of your life-
Back to being happy, try to be a wife
While all the night long and forever will I see
Misty Roses on your grave.
Written by Darlene Evans Kostka in Memory of Jaime M Evans

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Jaime from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

The Invisible Mind

Have You ever had the capacity
To watch your cherished love one
Struggle for years,
Harboring imagined, real, or impending fears.
The pain you suffer to see their plea,
Your unseen wish to understand,
Their attempts to end this precious gift to you
But to them seems unreal, not true.

Their struggle to go on - then one day to End.
They take their life in a moment’s time
That clock you WISH you could rewind.
If only we could understand
The pain they felt that made their hand
Reach out for the unfledged flight
Back to God – One gruesome night.

I LOVE you still and always will
I try to move forward, and yet stand still.
One day we’ll understand the lucid mind,
The intellect, the thoughts unkind.
Your light still glows deep in my heart
The pain you suffered, now departs.

The world looks different being half alive
But somehow -- for my other child I’ll survive.

One day a cure or knowledge will Prevail
You’re up with God to shed this veil!

Written by Darlene Joy Evans
In Loving Memory of her Beautiful Daughter
Jaime Melissa Evans

Mom's Birthday Question

6 years in Heaven

Do they sing you Happy Birthday,
like we did when you were 6
Are the candles sparkling brightly,
twinkling stars up in the sky

Did your friends stop by to visit,
like they did when you were 6
Are you living in a Mansion,
with many rooms for you to hide

Do you run through Halls of Wisdom,
down the marbled stairs so wide
Do you look down streets of Gold,
brightly shining in your eyes

Are there really gates of Glory,
accepting all the passers-by
Do you look like my Sweet Angel,
as you did when you were 6

Do you look like my gorgeous Jaime
28, the day you died?

In Memory of my Daughter Jaime
Love Mom

About Jaime

Jaime was always such an intriguing child, my mother use to say she was a child prodigy. The first words she used were "what is that", not one word, but a sentence. She enjoyed yoga, outdoor sports, backpacking and kayaking. she was very adventurous. I have a picture somewhere of her climbing mountains out west - I will send it when I have Jason scan for me. She lived in Ca and loved it, she received a degree from UCLA. She had a degree from a school in VA for computer programming. She loved learning and reading. They were her passions. Before attending UCLA, she had worked as a computer programmer, and later as a Budweiser model. Professor Linda Vanleuven, a professor of sociology at UCLA who had taught Jaime, said she was one of the most gifted students she had ever come across,
and was devastated to hear of her death.

Her friends were precious to Jaime and she made lots of them. Friends attended the funeral from NYC, California and Holland just to name a few. She had been an exchange student and had studied abroad in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She was a cheerleader in Kittattiny High, played softball and soccer. When I visited her in CA, she was on a soccer team and I went to a game with her and watched her practive too. She and I took a cruise to Ensenata, Mexico and Catalina. It was great and we had such a good time together. I know though that she wished the whole family could be together. That was one of the things that ate her up inside, as she was as sensitive as she was bright. I could always see the sadness under her pleasure, cause she wanted a family so much.


Maybe if I concentrate hard enough
I can go back in time
And on the "night you left"
I can walk down the street with you
And when we get to the turn
That leads to the other side
I can make you stop before you go to far
By Sandy Goodman, 1997

Like I said, Jaime had a lot of friends!

Jaime took a great liking to butterflies in her last year on earth. She loved WonderWoman, the color blue, and all her friends. She use to tell me her friends meant everything to her. They all loved her too, I can forward emails reflecting this, and their loss of a true one-of-a-kind person. And I mean it, that she was. There is not one friend of hers, and there are at least 20 that I communicate with, who did not say this. A great spark was taken from earth and made into an Angel.
I just wish I could touch her!

Genius! thou gift of Heaven, thou light divine!
Amid what dangers art thou doom'd to shine.
Oft will the body's weakness check thy force,
Oft damp thy vigour, and impede thy course;
And trembling nerves compel thee to restrain
Thy nobler efforts to contend with pain
Or want, sad guest! . . .


The pictures above are of Jaime's mom, Darlene, with her little grandson whose name is Matthew Jaime.

My grandson Matthew again - reminds me of Jaime...

Luke my grandson. Born on Dec 7, 2010.

The Blessings of a Storm

I did not know His love before,
The way I know it now.
I could not see my need for Him,
My pride would not allow.
I had it all, without a care,
The "self-sufficient" lie.
My path was smooth, my sea was still,
Not a cloud was in my sky.

I thought I knew His love for me,
I thought I'd seen His grace,
I thought I did not need to grow,
I thought I'd found my place.
But when the way grew rough and dark,
The storm clouds quickly rolled;
The waves began to rock my ship,
My anchor would not hold.

The ship that I had built myself
Was made of foolish pride.
It fell apart and left me bare,
With nowhere else to hide.
I had no strength or faith to face
The trials that lay ahead,
And so I simply prayed to Him
And bowed my weary head.

His loving arms enveloped me,
And then He helped me stand.
He said, "You still must face this storm,
But I will hold your hand."
So through the dark and lonely night
He guided me through pain.
I could not see the light of day
Or when the storm might wane.

Yet through the aches and endless tears,
My faith began to grow.
I could not see it at the time,
But my light began to glow.
I saw God's love in brand new light,
His grace and mercy, too.
For only when all self was gone
Could Jesus' love shine through.

It was not easy in the storm,
I sometimes wondered, "Why?"
At times I thought, "I can't go on."
I'd hurt and doubt and cry.
But Jesus never left my side,
He guided me each day.
Through pain and strife,
Through fire and flood,
He helped me all the way.

And now I see as never before
How great His love can be.
How in my weakness He is strong,
How Jesus cares for me!
He worked it all out for my good,
Although the way was rough.
He only sent what I could bear,
And then He cried, "Enough!"

He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"
He made the storm clouds cease.
He opened up the gates of joy
And flooded me with peace.
I see His face now clearer still,
I felt His presence strong.
I found anew His faithfulness,
He never did me wrong.

Now I know more storms will come,
But only for my good,
For pain and tears have helped me grow
As naught else ever could.
I still have so much more to learn
As Jesus works in me;
If in the storm I'll love Him more,
That's where I want to be.
Written By: Wendy Greiner Lefko


Our Christmas Angels

In Loving Memory of Jaime
I honor and remember your beautiful girl on this her special day
She went to become one of God's own
To her destiny in her eternal home
Where she is now forever before God's Throne
Ann, Laurasmom

Dear Darlene
This is one of many poems that my ANGEL wrote, it is one of my special ones. I am honored to share it with you.

To Darlene and ANGEL Jaime


Softness of the Skin
Sweetness in the Smell
Nectar of the Fruit
Tender in the Heart
Dancing in the Eyes
Uplifting in the Smile
Tickle of the Touch
Joining in the Love

Truth in the Speech
Love in the Laughter
Primal in the Scream
Soft in the Whisper
Quick in the Mind
Fair in the Sentence
Brave in the Confrontation
Joining in the Love

Graceful in the Sleep
Careful in the Search
Deep in the Sorrow
Strength in the Sickness
Giving of Thy Self
Rich in the Health
Kind in the Giving
Joining in the Love

Written By Lee Henry Aguilera~~~Sue-Anne's ANGEL

Dearest Darlene and ANGEL Jaime

Please try and free yourself From your pain
Jamie doesn't like to see Her Mom this way
She is with you Darlene
She hasn't left you for ever
She is just away for a while
Look up at those stars
One of them is Jaime's
It is her window
She sees her loving Mom
She smiles and waves at you
Open your heart, Darlene
You will feel her inside you
She is also waiting for you At those GOLDEN GATES

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

'Angel Jaime I Know You Liked Wonder Woman, And One Of Your Sports Was Kayaking,
I Hope These Gifts You Will Enjoy.
Happy Birthday Angel Jamie'

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

A friend can hear a tear drop.

Please visit Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
Two Very Special Angels

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Jaime Melissa Evans
on June 2, 2006
Last updated: May 16, 2011
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