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Welcome to Cases TD Training

By: Leslie (crazy_beautiful_69ca)


To start off with, this is the link you will be using in training:


That link will pull up this screen



Name = TD

Password = 1234


Click login.  The next screen that appears will look like this



For our purposes here, the drop down contains only tdtraining.  But once you login under our ladder the drop down will say mamashouse.  Chose the tdtraining ladder for now.


Once you click on that…a new screen will appear.  This is the primary screen that you will operate from.



Focus Points: 


Ok…so now lets create a tourney.



For right now until you run 10 tourneys, all the tourneys will be single elimination (s/e).  After running 10 tourneys you can (your option) be trained for double elimination (d/e) and swiss format tourneys.  Once again, these are your options, but we do like for you to be trained for all.  This gives the players more types to play and adds variety.



Next choose a date.  Always remember to check and chose today’s date. 



Next choose the time.  Time is important here.  You want to make it for the earliest time you can.  That way when you get enough to start, you can begin the tourney without having to wait on time.  For example, if it is currently 9:35, you should make your tourney for 9:30 instead of 9:45.  This way you can begin your tourney as soon as everyone is in instead of waiting for 9:45 to arrive.  Also make sure you notice the difference between am and pm.  Set the tourney for the right timeframe.


Choose a time now.



Important things on this screen.


After you create the tourney, your jump number will appear on this screen.


Your key focus is on Return to Administer Tourney # link.  You can change the layout if you like or click to return to main td center page (the one that starts the create a tourney process).  However, you need to administer your tourney first so that link will primarily be used.



Ok.  We are administering our tourney now.  Very first thing we need to do is Open Check-In (top right corner under actions).  Once check in is open we can spam the tourney info in lobby.  Initially, this is what your screen will look like before opening check in.



Ok.  We are ready to go.  You have 4 teams registered (this done by your HTD training you).  We need to close registration and begin.  This is done by hitting the close registration link.



Now you’ve closed the tourney.  Someone else wants in.  You can always reopen registration by clicking that link to let them in tourney.  If all is a go, just click on start tournament and we’ll be off to the races.  Another screen will show and click return to administer tourney.



Now we are in tourney mode and games to be played.  Under actions is Adjust round results.  You see round 1 is now there.  Click on that link to see the parings for the first round games.



Now that the matches are posted, let the players in lobby know the matches.  When a winner is declared, just click that name.  Their name will change from yellow to red.  Red shows that match winner is moving on to the next round.



This screen appears after selecting a winner.  Choose adjust round 1 results to continue.



Ok…now that both winners have been selected, you see that those in red will move on to the next round.  Click return to administer tourney.



Under actions, you now see round 2 has been posted.  Click on that link to announce those matches.



Same as before, just choose winner of match after it has been played.



Now click return to administer tourney again.  Now you will notice new actions available.



Now that the tourney is over, there is some paperwork to be done.  In the blue box, we need to start that by updating TD stats file.



If that is correct, hit yes to proceed or no to make changes.  We’ll assume that it is correct.  The next choice is return to administer tournament (as you can see, this choice is used the most).



Continue on and update player tournament records.  Click return to administer tournament on next screen.




Next we process entry fees.  This is done at all times, even for free tournaments.  On next screen hit return to administer tournament.




Now we pay out the ladder bux.  These are given to winners of tournament from the entry fees that are collected.  Make sure to tell in lobby the bux awarded to people.  Then click return to administer tourney once completed.



Next, we report the matches to the ladder to show on daily results.  Once done, click return to administer tourney on next screen.



Now we just close out the tourney and we are done.  Congrats.  Now get with your HTD and do it for real.