The Midnight Train X-ing: PGSM Act 25 - Do not interfere

The Midnight Train Crossing


PGSM - Act 25 - Do not interfere

The piano let out a bang as he flung his arm over the keys to keep from being slammed into them as Kunzite slammed the hilt of his sword squarely between his shoulder blades, pinning the white-haired king against his piano.

Zoicite winced, but kept still. Out of the two of them, Kunzite was physically stronger and they both knew it.

"Why concern yourself with the Master now?" Kunzite asked, still holding the other man down, "He should be eliminated." He pressed the hilt firmer into Zoicite's back, "Never interfere again - got that?"

He pulled his sword away and turned to leave.

"I cannot do that," Zoicite said, sitting up slowly.

Kunzite froze and slowly turned around.

"Especially if you plan to destroy him," Zoicite rose to his feet to face him.

The dark-haired king shook his head, "This planet was once destroyed by 'master'- " he started.

"No!" Zoicite interrupted firmly, "The princess..." his eyes narrowed, "If she were gone..."

"I will take care of the princess," Kunzite responded firmly, "You stay here and do *nothing*."

Zocite frowned. He didn't trust Kunzite...

"But... if you aren't going to listen to me..." Kunzite continued and drew his sword, whipping it out and laying the blade across Zoicite's neck, "You know what will happen if you get in my way."

Zoicite held absolutely still. "Kunzite," he said softly, "You've changed..."

Kunzite glared at him for a long moment and then sheathed his sword, storming out of the room.

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