The Midnight Train Crossing


PGSM - Act Two

First, there is a summary of act one, but I already did that.

Then, there is the theme song, which is silly to summarize.

The first scene is led into by the exterior shot of the creepy looking castle framed in purple light - the Dark Kingdom. (I told you it would come up again and again)
Beryl and Jadiete discuss what happened last time - that one of the Sailor Senshi has appeared. Jadiete helpfully tells all those who didn't read the title of the show that her name is Sailor Moon.
Beryl says something to the effect of "We meet again" indicating that there is some sort of history between her and Moon. She directs Jadiete to continue to collect energy, and they will proceed as planned until they collect enough power to destroy the world. At least, that's what it sounds like. This is accompanied by a dramatic picture of the earth being covered by darkness.
She gives Jadiete a rock - which is very useful to him of course.

Returning to earth, we head back to Crown, where Motoki, the turtle obsessed young man who works there is.... staring at his turtle. He does that a lot.
Usagi comes in, flashes her year-round-pass and proceeds in through a door that vanishes right after she passes through. Luna has created a hide out for the senshi - filled with candy and of course, kareoke equipment.
Luna tries to tell her all about their important mission of finding the other senshi, protecting the earth, finding the princess, finding the Mystical Crystal....
Usagi is more interested in playing with her phone and the kareoke stuff.... until she realizes that she has a test the following day.... which leads to some panicked studying.

But, none of that seems to pay off, as she is at the bottom of the class again. (The grades, of course, are posted for all the world to see). Naru comments that as usual, Ami Mitzuno is at the top of the class. This leads to a quick discussion of her, in which she comes off as a snobby, genius, princess.

During a noisy lunch period, Ami gathers up her things and heads outside to the playground (which I think is on the roof). She seems to prefer being alone... although honestly she doesn't look that happy about it.
Luna becomes quite interested in Ami (Probably because Luna knows the story) and she appears, in stuffed animal form, on the ground in Ami's path.
Ami picks up Luna, brushes her off, and then sets her down - after clearing off the railing first. She's so sweet. Usagi, who has been watching all this time, hurries over.
The two walk together.... or rather... Ami walks and Usagi follows. For it seems that Usagi is bound and determined to become friends, whether Ami likes it or not.
It isn't until they realize that they both love the pop star Anio Minako that they find something to talk about. Usagi pounces on the chance, and she lends Ami a CD, and from henceforth, starts addressing her as Ami-chan. (For those not familiar with suffixes, like... me a year ago adding -chan onto somebody's name is a sign of affection and friendship.)
(And round of applause to the subtitler here for putting the "chan" part in bold to make it perfectly clear). She also says that she wants Ami to eat lunch with her.
A mildly flustered Ami hurries off to cram school.
Usagi tells Luna that she likes Ami. Luna's pretty happy about this because she says that Usagi and Ami will be working together - Ami is the second senshi.

Ami gets to cram school, where one of her teachers praises her for being so smart. She reveals that she wants to become a doctor because her mother is - and because her mother wants to. Important character explanation for Ami here.

Back at Usagi's house, Usagi is all excited to have Ami on their team. Luna agrees, saying that they are currently a little short on brains, which results in her getting a pillow thrown at her. Usagi is a nice shot.

That night, Jadiete enters the empty cram school and reveals the purpose of the rock - apparently it turns clay statues into youma. So he does so. After all, if that's what the rock does, it's logical to do that with it.

Usagi goes to great effort to get up early the next day so that she is *not* late for school, because she wants to catch Ami and tell her that she's a senshi. Which, apparently, she does just like that. Not quite sure what she says exactly because that's not on film, but I can just imagine. "Hey Ami-chan - you're a soldier!"
Ami, actually, is disappointed by this news. She thinks that Usagi just wanted to be friends because she was a senshi too. So, Ami refuses, saying she doesn't have time, and she hurries off, leaving a rather puzzled Usagi.

On the roof, Ami tries to convince herself that everything is okay, but she's a little heartbroken.
Usagi is sad too. She wanted to be friends with Ami.
Luna tells her that Ami does not have a choice, she must be a senshi.

At cram school, Ami decides to listen to the CD that Usagi gave her, so she puts on her headphones.... which is sorta surprising considering that Ami is a good student, and I can't picture her doing that in class. However, it is good timing, because right after she puts her headphones on, the teacher reveals her true nature as a youma and starts using it's voice to drain the students of their energy.

Usagi is trying to find her way to the cram school that her mother signed her up for when, once again, she runs into Mamoru (Who actually doesn't have a name yet). They recognize each other, and he points out the cram school that she is supposed to attend, based on the map she drops. It's across the street from Ami's - and it is for younger kids.
She's rather embarrassed - probably more so because this happened in front of Mamoru.

Meanwhile, Ami gets the distinct feeling that something is wrong when all around her, all of the students collapse. Her youma-possessed-teacher comes over. Ami thinks that she's about to be scolded for listening to music during class, but instead, she transforms into the youma and gives chase.
A tumble down the stairs is apparently all it takes to make the youma release its hold on the teacher. Ami's troubles aren't over though, as the youma just gets up and chases her.
Good thing Usagi happens to see her...

Sailor Moon yells "Stop" and the youma listens. (That always sorta amazes me). She throws her tiara at the youma, but... that makes the youma fall off the balcony, taking Ami with him.
Moon manages to grab Ami before she goes splat. The youma is not so lucky, and it breaks. (Well, it *was* made out of clay).
However, it puts itself back together, creating a bit of a problem for Moon and Ami (Who are currently dangling off the edge of a balcony). This is the perfect time for a heart-to-heart chat between the two girls. At this point, Ami decides that it just might be a good idea after all to become a senshi.
Luna tosses light at her, which becomes a bracelet.

Ami falls, but as she does so, knows enough to yell out "Mercury Power - Make up!" (There's been no hint that she's Sailor Mercury up to this point. Not even her symbol appearing). Her transformation is as good as Moon's - although there is some cool swirling water behind her.
Sailor Mercury is able to land lightly on her feet, despite falling from a fourth story balcony - probably because she lands in a fountain. Water and all that jazz.
Her intro: "Senshi of Water and Wisdom - Sailor Mercury"

Moon jumps down to join her (Who knew senshi always land on their feet?) And the two fight with the two youma. The usual fight scene of a lot of running and jumping and grunting occurs
Moon takes out one with Moon Twilight Flash and Mercury takes out the other with Mercury Aqua Mist.

In a sweet moment, Moon tells Mercury that she wants to be friends, not because they are both senshi, but because she just... wants to be friends.
Everybody together now: awwww
Tux watches all of this silently, and then stalks off.

Meanwhile, Jadiete sets up another rock, this time, apparently, to create a youma out of leaves, while a mysterious girl in white and red watches a fire.

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