PGSM - Act Eleven
Usagi updates us on things: Beryl and the Dark Kingdom are their enemy, their princess is from the Moon, and the senshi are really from the Moon.
Theme song.
At Crown, as usual Motoki is playing with his turtle, when Usagi peeks in through the door. He fixes his hair quickly, and stands up a bit straighter.
He looks mildly disappointed when she asks if Mamoru is there, but cheers up again when Usagi is happy that Mamoru is not there.
There is now a Christmas Tree in Crown, and Usagi is wearing winter clothes.
With all the business of Mamoru and Usagi not liking Mamoru settled, Motoki passes on some gossip: Minako is in the hospital. (Considering the last episode ended with her getting hit by a truck...)
Downstairs, the girls are talking about the new developments. Luna explains that the memories of the Moon Senshi are within them, and someday they will remember. But for now, they should just continue as they have been.
Usagi runs in with the news that Anio Minako has been in an accident. The others are unimpressed. I guess that's old news. Ami adds that she wasn't badly hurt.
Usagi goes on and on for a bit about how she wants to visit her.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Minako sits on the bed surrounded by various gifts. One of her staff brings her her suitcase from the trunk of the car. They recap what happened - the driver of the truck was in a trance from the music, and she just missed being hit.
Her manager arrives and tells her that he wants her to stay in the hospital so he can keep an eye on her. Apparently she has been disappearing from time to time, and he doesn't want any bad publicity before her new CD comes out. And besides, she has so much work to do that she may as well do it in the hospital. Her manager is an interesting guy, to put it mildly.
Once she is alone, Minako opens her suitcase, and there, folded neatly, is her Sailor V uniform. (I guess the car crash wasn't enough to even shake the mask out of it's perfectly centered position.)
She hears a voice telling her that she must fight - and she must fight alone.
Minako says she knows this... that she knew that when she agreed to be Sailor V... and the princess.
Back to Zoisite at the piano. He failed - again - to kill Sailor V. He's a little disappointed that his Requiem didn't work, but he has a few more tricks up his white sleeves.
Beryl and Nephrite hear him playing. He must be up to something else now.
Nephrite says that he wants to go after the princess too. He figures that since he hadn't found the Crystal yet, maybe the princess already has it.
Beryl disagrees. If she has it, she would have used it already... and the Dark Kingdom wouldn't be around. But she lets Nephrite go do whatever he wants.
Beryl is worried about Zoisite. It seems that he isn't as devoted to her as the other two are.
After all, he has yet to be in the same scene with her.
Mamoru is dreaming.... again about the mysterious white girl asking for the MSC. This dream is really bothering him. He wakes up, takes a drink from a convenient water bottle, and then just sits there holding his head. Usagi's handkerchief is still on his night table.
The next morning, Usagi channel surfs, much to the annoyance of her family, searching for news of Minako. Her mother lets it slip that Minako is staying at Juban hospital - but that Usagi can't go visit her because it's a secret.
Usagi promptly runs out the door, headed for the hospital. Her mother and brother aren't exactly surprised.
First though, she stops at Crown where she picks up Makoto - they're "just going to see the building" Rei isn't exactly pleased to have their investigations interrupted, but she's out-voted and Makoto and Usagi hurry off to the hospital.
Sweet-as-ever Ami is glad to see that Usagi has cheered up since last episode though.
Usagi and Makoto stand outside of the hospital, and then they decide that as long as they're there, they may as well go inside and look around, just in case they happen to find her.
They use their phones to turn into nurses and go exploring. Makoto tries to scold Usagi for doing this, but Usagi points out that Makoto is doing it too. They argue about who's idea this way all the way up the escalator.
Ami wanders onto a website for the "Interplanetary Festival with Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter - with special guest V." That seems to be directed directly at them, so they figure that Sailor V is trying to set up a meeting.
Luna states it well: "This is too far fetched to be a coincidence."
I wish I could read/understand Japanese so I could see what other links Ami was looking at on her computer.
They go to check it out - it never dawns on them to think that it could be a trap. After all, the bad guys don't use the internet.
Inside her room, Minako is working on some Idol business, while her manager does his nails.
She hears a soft voice saying "it's time" and she gets up. She dons a baseball cap, pulled low over her eyes, and heads out. No one will recognize her with that clever disguise.
Ami and Rei go to the Planetary Festival... which is in an empty ballroom. Rei murmurs she has a bad feeling about this.
Meanwhile, Minako's manager finishes doing his nails, and realizes that Minako has gone.
She makes her way down the hallway, walking past Makoto and Usagi - who are now out of disguise. Usagi does a double take. Could that be Anio Minako?
Her manager chases after her calling her name - that's a pretty much dead give away.
The girls wonder if he could be a youma. He certainly acts weird enough. So they go after him, catching him before he could go after her.
Minako sees this, and promptly recognizes Sailor Moon.
Usagi recognizes Minako too. Trouble is, so does everyone else in the hospital.
The guy who brought Minako her suitcase steps in to do damage control, herding the three girls and the manager through the crowd and back to her hospital room.
It takes the manager a few minutes to realize that Usagi and Makoto have been pushed into the room as well.
Minako isn't too happy. Now she's trapped in the hospital. She sees Usagi staring at her and wonders if Usagi knows she's Sailor V. She and Moon have met a whole two times after all.
Finally Usagi blurts out what's bothering her: She wants Minako's autograph.
Makoto, Minako and the manager stand by while Usagi has an insane-fan-girl moment, complete with bouncing all over the room.
Eventually Minako signs Usagi's notebook, and Makoto's.
Usagi bounces around, telling her that Minako is the most important thing, before the Princess and Sailor V. Makoto pokes her before she can say too much more.
As the manager tries to usher them off, the phones ring. Usagi dumps the entire contents of her bag on the ground, trying to find her phone, but by the time she does, Ami has told Makoto the whole thing, and has hung up.
After the two finally leaves, Minako and the disembodied voice discuss Sailor Moon. She's not serious at all... it almost seems like she has nothing to do with the fight with the Dark Kingdom. She picks up the notebook Usagi left behind and looks at the pictures of the four senshi, almost... wistfully. She can't be part of their group.
The voice urges her to hurry up. They have to get to the Planetary Festival.
Usagi continues to gush over the fact that she met Minako - in person! Makoto is more concerned that Ami and Rei are no where in sight.
But just as she says that, Mercury and Mars jump into the scene, in attack mode. Their targets? Usagi and Makoto! They run around for a bit, trying to avoid being hit by Mars and Mercury until we see Luna - tied up with rope and with duct tape over her mouth. Which is... one of the silliest things to date. Luna is tiny. He could have just put her in a box or something.
Anyway, Luna calls out a warning that Mars and Mercury are hypnotized - the Planetary Festival was a trap! (Wow, I guess bad guys *do* use the internet)
Makoto and Usagi Make Up (Split screen again) and face off against their friends.
There is a lot of running and cartwheeling and jumping and stuff.
Interestingly, Mercury and Mars don't call out their attacks, they just do them.
Piano music reveals the puppet master - Zoisite. He controls Mercury and Mars, and soon he will control Moon and Jupiter.
Moon doesn't know what to do - she can't fight with Ami-chan.
Zoisite shimmers into existence at the piano on the stage in the ballroom.
With a glowing purple light, he hypnotizes Jupiter, and then goes to hypnotize Moon.
He is going to use the senshi to eliminate Sailor V.
But when he reaches out to Moon, another hand grabs his wrist.
It's Tuxedo Kamen! He and Zoisite stand there for a moment, as a glowing light surrounds them.
Tux flashes back to his dream. They stand there for a few minutes before they are tossed apart... and we get to see the bottoms of Zoisite's shoes.
Suddenly Tux realizes that the girl in his dream is the Princess.
Zoisite is just a little freaked out, and he asks Tux who he is. But, then he vanishes without waiting for Tux to answer.
The spell on the senshi is broken, so they collapse to the ground. While Moon is tending to them, Tux staggers off in a daze.
Back in the Dark Kingdom, Zoisite is so stunned by what just happened that he actually stops playing the piano. Somehow... he knows Tux.
Minako didn't make it to the Festival and the voice scolds her. She is the princess after all. (She is? Woah!) Minako is still baffled by the fact that Usagi is Sailor Moon.
While walking through the hospital, Minako's manager manages to absorb a youma.