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Jerry Spinelli Webquest

The following websites will guide you through this assignment. For each text, there are web sites for your group to locate information.
Enjoy your search and have fun!


Self Esteem
Self Esteem Statistics and a Self-Esteem Building System
How Can We Strengthen Children's Self-Esteem?
Philosophy of Education
Quotes to 'Re-Imagine' Schools for the 21stC
Top 10 Characteristics of a Quality School
Middle School Education News 14 Characteristics Crucial for Effective Middle Level Schools
Dealing With Bullies
Dealing With Bullying
Preventing Bullying
Stop Bullying Now
Youth Violence Protection


Brainy Quotes
Quotation Page
The Presidents of the United States
All Nobel Peace Prize Laureates (AL Gore, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, etc.)
Celebrity Role Models
Better Yourself
How to Be a Good Friend
Good Character for Middle Schoolers


Song Lyrics
A-Z Song Lyrics
E Lyrics
Social Problems
Causes of Poverty
Climate Change and Global Issues
Meet the Quakers
Quakers and the Political Process
Religion and Ethics
Quaker Information Center