150 watt power supply






150 watt power supply

A linear amplifier is an electronic circuit whose output is proportional to its input, but capable of delivering more power into a load. The term usually refers to a type of radio-frequency (RF) power amplifier, some of which have output power measured in kilowatts, and are used in amateur radio. Other types of linear amplifier are used in audio and laboratory equipment.


An RF linear amplifier can be based on either solid state or vacuum tube technology. Most commercially manufactured one to two kilowatt linear amplifiers used in amateur radio still use vacuum tubes (valves) and can provide between 10 to 20 times RF power amplification. For example 100 watts input from a transmitter will be amplified to 2000 watts (2 kW) output to the antenna. Power supply. Solid state linear amplifiers are more commonly in the 500 watt range and can be driven by as little as 25 watts, although AM radio broadcast transmitters of up to 50 kW are now solid state. For International long, medium and Shortwave broadcasting between 500 kW up to 2MW large vacuum valves or klystrons are still used, usually several 500 kW transmitters in parallel.

The legal power limit for licenced 'ham' operators vary from country to country but in the United States it is legal to transmit up to 1. 5 kW(PEP). While in the UK the limit is 400 watts peak envelope power.

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