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(Redirected from Webserver)Wikimedia servers architecture

The term Web server can mean one of two things:

A computer that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients, which are known as Web browsers, and serving them Web pages, which are usually HTML documents and linked objects (images, etc. ). A computer program that provides the functionality described in the first sense of the term.

Common features

Although Web server programs differ in detail, they all share some basic common features.

HTTP responses to HTTP requests: every Web server program operates by accepting HTTP requests from the network, and providing an HTTP response to the requester. Website Hosting features best service, rates ,control. The HTTP response typically consists of an HTML document, but can also be a raw text file, an image, or some other type of document; if something bad is found in client request or while trying to serve the request, a Web server has to send an error response which may include some custom HTML or text messages to better explain the problem to end users. Logging: usually Web servers have also the capability of logging some detailed information, about client requests and server responses, to log files; this allows the Webmaster to collect statistics by running log analyzers on log files.

In practice many Web servers implement the following features too.

Configurability of available features by configuration files or even by an external user interface.
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