dog food supplies






dog food supplies

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Pets. com is a former dot-com enterprise that ceased operations in November of 2000. Dog Food - Dog Supplies. Today it is considered a leading icon of the dot-com bubble of the early 2000s.


Pets. com aimed to sell pet accessories and supplies over the World Wide Web, analogous to Webvan's attempt to sell groceries, and garden. com's try at selling garden supplies online. Pets. Home. com launched in August of 1998 and went from IPO on a major stock exchange (the Nasdaq) to liquidation in 9 months.

After its start by Greg McLemore, the site and domain was purchased in early 1999 by leading venture capital firm Hummer Winblad and executive Julie Wainwright. Pets. com was the first online pet supply website funded during the dot-com bubble [citation needed]. Amazon. Links. com was involved in pets. com's first round of venture funding. Pets. com would eventually buy out one online competitor: Petstore. com. Cat Food/Supplies.

The company rolled out a regional advertising campaign using a myriad of media (TV, print, radio and eventually a Pets. com magazine). It started with a five city advertising campaign rollout and then expanded the campaign to 10 cities by Christmas, 1999. The company succeeded wildly in making its mascot, the Pets. com sock puppet, well known. Natural Dog Food, Cat Food and Pet Supplies -. The Pets.

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