fosters pet supply






fosters pet supply

A digital pet, also known as a virtual pet, is a type of artificial human companion. They are usually kept for companionship or enjoyment. People may keep a digital pet in lieu of a real pet.

Digital pets are distinct from robot pets and other entertainment robots in that they have no concrete physical form other than the hardware they run on. Interaction with virtual pets may or may not be goal oriented. If it is, then the user must keep it alive as long as possible and often help it to grow into higher forms. Keeping the pet alive and growing often requires 'feeding', grooming and playing with the pet. phorum - EPOD Discussion - for small pet. If the interaction is not goal oriented, the user can explore the character of the pet and enjoy the feeling of building a relationship with it. Often these games use realistic visual effects or interaction to make the pet appear alive and give a sense of reality to users.

Characteristics of commercially available digital pets

Commercially available digital pets usually aim at maintaining a relationship with its owner. [1] This is achieved in the following ways:


Digital pets are not designed for a specific task, which distinguishes it from other electronic devices. We expect a tool to perform a specific task, but we do not attribute life to it when it does so.

Digital pets show autonomy in many ways.

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