power cords
power cordsA mains cable (in English speaking countries outside North America) or power cord (in the U. S. and Canada) is cable that temporarily connects an electrical appliance to an electrical power source. The term is generally used for cables using a power plug to connect to a single-phase alternating current power source at "mains voltage" (100 to 240 volts, depending on the location). The terms power cable, mains lead or flex are also used. Secrets Feature Article. The term cord set is also used to distinguish those cords that include connectors molded to the cord at each end. Power cords from those countries that use 110 V mains supply (chiefly the United States, Canada, parts of South America and Japan) tend to be bulkier than the mains cables used in the rest of the world, because of the higher currents required to deliver the same power (watts) at 110 V compared with 230 V. Power cables may be either fixed or detachable from the appliance. In the case of detachable leads, the appliance end of the power cord has a socket (female connector) rather than a plug (male connector) to link it to the appliance, to avoid the dangers from having a live protruding pin. Cords may also have twist-locking features, or other attachments to prevent accidental disconnection at one or both ends. pricegrabbercom. Home janitorial supplies moving supplies hello kitty party supplies pc power supplies 12 volt power supply shower supplies ballet supplies halloween party supplies online medical supply jack lalanne power juicer high power laser diodes printer power supplies cords international power power rack system point power presentation web debt consolidation services customer services accounting services on line dating services incorporation services online lesbian dating service online payroll service software nevada incorporation services calibration services dating lds online service post card printing services residential phone services answering service business broadcast fax service call center services telemarketing commercial cleaning services air charter services incorporating service internet hosting service fax broadcasting services unified messaging service database hosting service inexpensive internet service debt reduction services boise document imaging service printing service san francisco call center inbound services web site service |