power ranger
power rangerPower Rangers is an ongoing, American franchise of superhero children's television programs. The franchise is currently owned by The Walt Disney Company, but was previously produced by Saban. Given a new title and theme annually (after the third season of the first series), the franchise is headlined by similarly self-replicating television series and is directly tied to the vast merchandising empire owned largely by Japanese toy company Bandai. The show is adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai franchise, but is not simply an English dub of the original. Rather, it is a 'new' production with English-speaking actors spliced in with the original Japanese footage in varying ratios. Due to the very Japanese nature of many of Sentai's stories and design, the American shows are always at least slightly changed to fit a Western audience. Power Rangers Planet. However, the action sequences featuring the characters in costume, and the scenes featuring kaiju and mecha (referred to as "Zords" in the English series) are typically dubbed. The vast majority of the toy line is similarly adapted, though there are toys exclusive to English-speaking countries. The series that began the franchise was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which began broadcasting as part of the Fox Kids group of programs that aired on the Fox Network. It lasted for three seasons. The franchise has continued, and as of 2006 has consisted of thirteen television series and two theatrical films. Home jewelry making supplies mardi gras party supplies postage meter supplies supply chain management education rv camping supplies pet rabbit supplies spiral binding supply desktop power supply honda powered generators industrial power supply power block weights washington power of attorney apc power backup sony laptop power supply fax service hosting services professional services it service management online merchant services cheap hosting server services web consolidation debt online service teleconferencing service free online dating service woman jewish dating service website monitoring services language translation services services telemarketing dallas phone answering service merchant services online opt in email service new york limo services credit check monitoring service toronto dating services physician billing services top 10 debt reduction service web promotion services web hosting services uk bulk email sending service payment processing service rsvp dating service online billing services website marketing services free online fax services |