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About Mercia & Marches Metal Detecting Club

Mercia & Marches
Detecting in Shropshire and its Borders

Mercia & Marches Metal Detecting Club covers the county of Shropshire and its borders. We have been formed to enable the organised and responsible pursuit of the hobby of metal detecting. It is our aim to promote the lawful way of metal detecting while contributing to the history of the Mercia & Marches area. As individuals or in small groups we arrive at land for which we have obtained permission to detect from the landowner.We then spend many hours walking up and down the fields using varying types of metal detectors.We observe the country side code at all times. Should we be lucky enough to locate a metal object of interest, we then dig a neat hole and bring the object to the surface. The hole is filled back in and the land is left tidy. We rarely dig deeper than eight inches and keep the hole as small as possible. We do not disturb crop without permission from the landowner and we keep our pursuit as low key as possible. At the end of our detecting session we will leave without bothering the landowner unless we have found something of significance that they wish to see or know about, {some landowners wish to see everything we find and often like to keep some of it},others do not care and only want to be informed of something unusual. We observe all rules landowners wish to impose and report artifacts to the portable antiquities officer with permission from the landowner.