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  1. Open Microsoft Paint.

  2. Think of an idea for a comic with 4 frames. Each frame should  have at least on person, place  or thing that is the same as the previous frame to help your reader follow the action.

  3. Create the first frame of your comic strip. Use any drawing tools that you need. Draw a conversation bubble to put words in the characters' mouths.

  4. Save the drawing with the filename comic1.jpg (select .jpg or jpeg from the file type window under the filename in the Save as dialog box)

  5. Open the file named comic1 and save again as comic2. Now you can change anything you want or add to the new picture. Save the file again when you are finished. This will be frame 2 of your comic strip.

  6. Open the file named comic2 and save as comic3. Change anything you want or add to the picture. Save the file again when you are finished. This will be frame 3 of your comic strip.

  7. Open the file named comic3 and save as comic4. Change anything you want or add to the picture. Save the file again when you are finished. This will be frame 4 of your comic strip.

  8. In Microsoft Word, import the 4 graphic files, one by one. Line them up in a row and you will have a comic strip. Put a box or border around each frame.
