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2006 Summer
Tue, 20 Jun 2006
Climbing? What Climbing?
Taz: The ride has started! We are in day two of this amazing journey. We've gone from Massanutten, up the Blue Ridge Parkway, to Vesuvious, to Troutville with 5,000 feet of climbing today alone. Dusty and Jimmy are pulling me right along. Jimmy's dad Jim is an awesome support driver, he's spoiling us.
Dustin: Day two is almost as good as day one. However my butt hurts and I still can't shift, but Taz and Jimmy assure me that it will all come in time. Both nights have been free camping so far but tomorrow we will probably stay at a camp place with showers and laundry. I can't wait to get to a new state, although Virginia is okay. No strange events yet but here comes Kentucky, Yee Ha

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:00 PM EDT
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