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2006 Summer
Tue, 11 Jul 2006
Day 23
Hmmmm . . . so much has happened in the past couple of days. The biggest news is that we crossed over into Kansas today! We're in Pittsburg, a town of 19,000 for tonight and tomorrow. We are catching up on laundry and maintenance and such.

Okay, now let me back up a little. We woke in Marshfield, MO yesterday morning to heavy rain and storms. We were dry though under a city park pavilion sleeping on tables because we knew it was coming. We waited for it to pass but it wasn't going to happen. We went to breakfast and the library to kill time and wait for it to ease up. Finally, it did seem to ease up so we took off and tried to make it to Walnut Grove Post Office before it closed to pick up a package. On the way, the sky opened up on us again. Right on top of us. Lightening so close it scared us big time. One strike was 30 to 50 feet away. All I could think about was the last thing Jim said to me - "keep my boys safe." There was nothing around and nowhere to go but on. We ended up riding out of the storm safely.

Walnut Grove was 40 miles into our 60 mile day. We busted butt to get to the post office figuring the earliest it would close would be 4 PM. NOT! They closed at 3:30 and we got there at 3:40. Well, everything happens for a reason. After much debate we ended up seeing if we could camp for the night (this town was not shown on the map as one to camp in). The town of 500 rolled out the red carpet and let us stay indoors at a church fellowship hall. It had a great shower. I think it was the quietest night's rest yet!

Then one thing led to another. While Jimmy was dealing with the Campmor package arrival, we ran into a local that told us a bridge was out on our route and the detour would add 20 miles to our ride. Coupled with the late start of the day we had no intentions of doing a 100 mile day. Don't forget we've got those plastic bags on our bikes now! Jim (our S.A.G. man), where are you?! Just kidding. The reroute had us going 70 miles through somewhat flatter country, enroute to the much flatter Missouri/Kansas border.

But, wait! What about our buddy, Preacher Bill? He's a town behind us and needs to know about the detour! Spending all the time we did in Walnut Grove, we ended up getting to be buddies with the policeman on duty. We told him about Bill and he said he would track him down and give him directions. Not only did he do that but he came out west of town and told us he had found Bill! As of tonight, Bill is still a town behind us but says he's going to do a short day tomorrow and then hang here with us tomorrow night.

We've got 1442 miles under our belts now. We are still laughing and having a great time. Sometimes Jimmy and Dusty get to laughing so hard they can't ride and have to stop riding to hold their bellies. They like to have these insane races up the rollers (hills) shouting crazy speeds they are trying to hold as they go up. They also like to sing a lot but only know half the words to most of the songs, and laugh more when they realize this.

Our first week without the truck and we don't think we've lost any weight which was one of our biggest fears - being hungry. I think we've settled into a routine finding a big meal as soon as we hit our evening town and snacking later. Water hasn't been an issue until today when it got a lot hotter. With our tools we were able to turn the water on at a church. We are getting there! WE ARE IN KANSAS!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 11:17 PM EDT
Updated: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:07 AM EDT
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