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2006 Summer
Mon, 17 Jul 2006
Day 29
Taz: Today we are spending the day in Dighton, KS. We rode 32 miles this morning in hard, hot winds. We are going to try something new today. If it works we'll tell you all about it in the next blog.
The 105 degree heat and the wind has slowed our progress getting to Colorado, but we are still chipping away at it. Someone told us that we are going to run into 60 degree highs next week in the mtns. We are looking forward to seeing some new wildlife too. Yesterday we saw a couple of badgers, the hawks are getting bigger, and today we are pretty sure we saw a mule deer out in this thicket on the plains.
Yesterday we met a woman that we've been "chasing" since before the trip started. The "Princess of Whales", Meagan. She is very interesting and we enjoyed talking to her. We chatted while sipping on milkshakes in Ness City, KS yesterday.
Our buddy Preacher Bill is now a couple days behind us but still hanging in there. We check on him almost nightly and give him the scoop on what's ahead for him.
The other guy we met back at the KY/VA border, Ian is still on the trail as far as we know. We've heard from him once or twice on email. We left some signs to him cheering him on. Since we left the truck it's been harder to do. We left one for Bill and Ian the other day in the middle of a 40 mile stretch of nothing. Bill said he saw it. We have each other for moral support. These guys are all alone doing this trip. Now, THAT takes guts.
Well, we are going to hit the pool for a few hours---stay tuned for more adventures.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:56 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:04 PM EDT
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Wed, 19 Jul 2006 - 10:23 AM EDT

Name: Sherry Hussey

Way to go Dusty!!! Your awewome! Post more pics, they are great!

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