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2006 Summer
Wed, 19 Jul 2006
Day 31
Dustin: After waking up from a 15 hour sleep we decided that the eastward winds were not going to stop. So, we woke up and hit the road. Not having a good breakfast this morning really made me suffer throughout the day. Battling ferocious headwinds all day was another task that we had to over come. During our 50 mile ride we saw our first prairie dogs, jack rabbits, and past the Welcome to Colorado sign!!!! Only 56 miles for today but with the wind 56 miles feels like a great accomplishment. Its tough to find internet in these small towns but your emails keep us pedaling!

To my little cousin Sammy-
Hey bud,
Hope that you are having an awesome summer. I have now gone through 6 states and only a few more to go. Tell the family I said hello and maybe we can come to Pa when I get back home!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 6:28 PM EDT
Updated: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:17 PM EDT
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