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2006 Summer
Thu, 20 Jul 2006
Day 32
TAZ: Well today we woke up in Eads, CO (pronounced Eeds) to something of a tailwind!! Thanks for praying for us!! We did 60 miles by 10:30 this morning. Ate lunch and now are waiting for the heat to die down a little so we can get 30 couple more in this afternoon and get to Boone, CO. Hopefully the wind will hang with us the rest of the day. Today has been flatter and more open than anything we saw in KS. This is true prairie stuff. We are around 4250ft elevation. By the weekend we should be around 9000. The towns can be seen a half hour before we reach them, or at least their grain elevator can be seen. We met some east bounders today that say we'll start to be able to see the Rockies tomorrow. We are excited about that. The air is getting drier everyday. Last night some of the courthouse lawn sprinklers came on after we put up our tents but by 4am our tents and our clothes that we had hung out were dry! We are planning an under 30 mile day tomorrow to Pueblo as a rest/tire change day. We've got some tires coming into a shop there from Brian at Serfas. Thanks Brian!
Also, if you haven't noticed we've got a new link on the main page to more photos. We are putting on as many as will fit. We may have to add another link later. Tomorrow while on our rest day we will try to make it to Walmart to get more photos to send back home. I have to admit with the heat we've not taken as many. You kind of forget the camera sometimes. We're making up for it now though!
We are all staying healthy for the most part. My age is showing a little. These flat rides have been giving my elbows, especially the right, one fits. Some kind of tendinitis something I'm sure because if I take some ibuprofen before riding it's fine. Dustin slightly strained a leg muscle playing on the diving board at one of the pools but also responds to ibuprofen. Jimmy just complains of his boney rump on this flat land and rough roads.
I want to say thanks to all of you calling us and emailing us. We've been looking forward to ducking into the libraries on these hot days. Hearing from home and about home always brings smiles.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 4:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:27 PM EDT
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