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2006 Summer
Mon, 31 Jul 2006
We have made it to Wyoming! Only 3 more states to go till we reach the West coast. We have made some new friends along the trail! Jesse and Taisha caught up to us in Walden and we have been together ever since! They are a happily married young couple as Bill would say. Traveling with these two make the "pack" look so much bigger especially since they are on a tandem (two seated bike). We now have other people to camp with ride with and talk to! The weather in Wyoming is great without humidity it makes for mostly mild days and cool nights. Although the sprinklers seem to get in the way sometimes... The terrain is still changing but it makes the day go by quicker. When you have amazing mountains with red rock and vast plains all in the same mile its really hard to keep pedaling because there is so much to see. Only a few more days in Wyoming then we are headed to Montana. I really don't know what to expect but I am sure that it will add to this great adventure. I would like to thank all of you who read these blogs and respond. Your support really keeps our spirits up and gets us through the tough times. Seven down three to go!!!

Check out Jesse and Taisha:

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 4:13 PM EDT
Updated: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:25 PM EDT
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