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2006 Summer
Wed, 9 Aug 2006
Day 51 ish Losing track unless I look at my Journal!
*3275 Miles done about 630 to go
*3 states to go
*54 mph - our new high speed coming off Big Hole Pass, MT
*Flat tires? We've lost track, Shoulders are great to ride on here out west, but they are covered with bits of tire trash and glass. The # is somewhere between 15 and 20.

TAZ: We are now in Missoula, MT. We rode 118 MT mtn miles to get here last night. (Was supposed to be about 130 mi but we found a short cut.) We wanted to get here to get to a bike shop for new tires and to check out the Adventure Headquarters. They are the people who make the maps we use. There is sort of a bike museum here too. There was no camping avail. in this town so after we searched a long time over our 10pm dinner we ended up ( all 5 of us) in a small motel room.
We have been on the road long enough now that we are seeing changes in all of us. I can't believe how much Dusty has grown as a cyclist. He shifts without thinking, and does it when he should, when everyone else is shifting. And strong! Both Jimmy and Dusty have gotten so strong. We all have but they are soooo Strong. The only way for me to keep up with them is to stay tucked behind one of them. Then when we hit the long climbs they just disappear. Jimmy loves the climbs, especially the tall, steep ones.
I've had tons of time to think about what I want to do with the rest of my life. What you say? There are several possibilites. I'll tell you this: I like Colorado a lot, but my favorite state for scenery over all has been Montana. The rest of what is in store for me, you'll just have to wait and see. This trip is one of my biggest dreams come true, but I've learned that I can make any of my dreams come true. Hard work, sacrifice, and just plain wanting it and you CAN make ANYTHING happen!
Now, for the rest of the trip we've decided to go the route of Lewis and Clark trail to the coast. We heard about this from someone on the trail and are looking forward to this adventure. We picked up the maps here today and will move on tonight. The five of us now.
Well, time to sign off, got to go get those tires and check chains and avoid a storm and find food and hit the post office, and get photos developed at Walmart to send back to you guys!!!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 4:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 9:33 PM EDT
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