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2006 Summer
Mon, 14 Aug 2006

Sunday, August 13th
Day 56ish
Knock the Wind Out of My Sail!

Jimmy: At 100 miles into today?s ride,we sat in the saddle only 5 hours 15 minutes, pedaled 3 major climbs and enjoyed views of endless wheat fields. With all of our bags taking a ride in Mike’s mustang (a friend of Jesse and Taisha), we took a 117-mile chunk out of our Washington trail. As the wind whipped up dust devils on top of dry fields, we pedaled at an average of 18 mph, dodging winds and rolling along Route 12’s beautiful terrain. Following the Lewis and Clark trail, Dusty, Taz and I clung tightly to the tandem which, between gravity and its 2-horsepower team, kept us moving at a grueling rate. We’d ride 5 wide, talking and enjoying our now lighter bikes, then crest a hill causing gears to drop to the smallest crank and we’d all be single file again. Lined up in this fashion the wind filled our ears and dried sweat to our sun beaten skin and the miles flew by! The miles go by too quick now; as I watch them flip by today I couldn’t help but think how near the end is. With a dollar bill and electrical tape keeping my front tire in working order, I watched as it coast only inches from my pedaling companions. 3,631 miles from home, we not only ride in sync but ride as one. With the sun setting westward in front of us, I watch our graceful line of bikes make way down Washington roads. Fierce headwinds turned our last 17 miles into our worst in days. A lumpy campsite, a Columbia River too gross to stick a big toe in, and mosquitoes that can bight through clothing, we raced to set up our screened tents. An unhappy ending to an epic day, our trail friend Preacher Bill would say, “It’s all good.” Pedaling down the home stretch I am overwhelmed with memories I can’t begin to keep track of. Sharing some with you, burying others deep in our journals, our cross-country journey slowly rolls to a close. A sticker on the top tube of my bike reads, “I ride, therefore I TransAm”.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:57 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:52 PM EDT
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