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2006 Summer
Mon, 14 Aug 2006
Day 57
TAZ: Well, today we are forced to do a shorter day of 50ish miles. Forced to find a shower or a river or something to get clean in. Our next option is at 103 miles. No one wants to ride that far on dirty clothes and road grimed bodies. So right now we are at our 1/2 way point for the day in Umatilla, WA.
I know it's been a while since we left Missoula but I wanted to go back and thank Adam for letting us camp out in his back yard the second night we were in town. He was cool. We met him in Taco DelSol while we were scarfing down dinner. He's done some touring himself and wishes to do more. You've got our info Adam!
Crossing into Idaho at Lolo Pass and a new time zone was exciting as was riding down the canyons that lead us to Clarskton, WA. We rode along rivers for two days and today we have switched rivers and we are now along the Columbia until we finish.
I'm looking forward to a real pillow. My sweatshirt all balled up is great, but the real deal is better! We have so many pictures! We are going to put them on a slide show with music. It's going to be awesome! It's more awesome if you have been there, so all of you that have been saying you want to do this some day need to get out there and do it. Even if it is not on a bike, get out there!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 2:26 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:39 PM EDT
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