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2006 Summer
Sun, 20 Aug 2006
The End
TAZ, Jimmy and Dusty: Our last blog entry. Why? Because
We finished our big ride yesterday by passing through Astoria on our way to the Pacific Ocean. Pedaling 3978.8 miles in 61 days our worn tires came to a rest in the sandy beaches of Seaside, OR. Now in our home away from home at Jesse and Taisha's house in Vancouver, WA we are boxing bikes and preparing to come home.

The endless support, thoughts and prayers along our cross-country trek was truly fuel for our fire. Daily hardships including, but not limited to, HEAT, WIND, RAIN, physical/emotional strain and unpredictable obstacles were overcome with perseverance and help from all of you. We thank each of you as we look forward to sharing stories of our journey at our return home. No picture, blog, or conversation can do justice to the emotions, physical strain, and events we have experienced...however this bitter sweet moment has us bursting with excitement to see those we love and the things that were once so familiar as well as sad that such a wonderful chapter has come to a close. As each of us stared towards the Pacific Ocean at a statue marked, "The Trails End," we knew that we had accomplished a feat of a lifetime. Standing in awe, our team of three now plans to return East, a direction we've not steered towards for two months. The memories, friendships, and character that was built from the experiences on our great Country's roadways are something that we will have forever.

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."
-Corrie Green

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 2:58 AM EDT
Updated: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:41 PM EDT
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