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2006 Summer
Fri, 30 Jun 2006

The past few days have brought us a long way through this very different state of Kentucky. The eastern part of the state was scary looking, but we never ran into any problems with the people. In fact there were some really cool people that went the extra mile to help us out, like David at the B&B in Hindman and the people at various country stores. Now we've moved into a part of the state that looks and feels like the rolling countryside of the Culpepper area, but the people still talk funny. Since the last blog we've stayed in Boonville at a very cool church that had a special set up just for bikers; Berea at a regular campground; and tonight at a town park in Springfield. The locations of the camps have forced our mileage to be a little lower than we hoped but we don't mind too much that the mileage was lower in the mountains. Today was around 75 miles and the temperature was around there too. What a beautiful event filled day. I'll let the guys tell you about the events. We are moving towards some slighter terrain and are looking to up the miles by the weekend. Jim has been feeding us like there's no tomorrow. He's also learning the ins and outs of digital photography as he's been snapping pictures of us. Oh, yes, Dusty about has the shifting down and is now starting to stand to crank up these rollers with Jimmy and me. Most days Jimmy is still our strength setting the pace and leading the way, even if it's up a mountain we climbed by mistake because of bad road signage.

Dogs, birds, road kill, closed roads, puppy, getting lost (in the uphill direction), and LOTS of toothless people . . . just the average day in ole' Kentucky. Let me explain in brief. We have seen many overturned, abandoned cars and we have swerved to miss various road kill. Yesterday "we" missed an unmarked road which led us up a two mile mountain climb . . . but it was a blast coming back down! Came over a hill today to find a truck that had just blown our socks off, overturned in the road. The driver was ok thanks to his seatbelt and the six even crazier volunteer drivers who rushed to his rescue in their tripped out pickup trucks. Dusty had a hard time parting with a stray puppy, seems Kentuckians have developed immunity to sympathy for abandoned dogs. As the mountains slowly turn to hills the scenery has changed. Saw our first Mercedes Benz in days, houses suddenly have front doors again, some dogs appear to be kept indoors and free of rabies, and the vine covered forests are gradually turning into tobacco fields. In all honesty the people have been great (despite missing something vitally important to their oral anatomy); the views and weather are amazing and the wildlife abundant. However, Kentuckians grow some wild dogs--that will never change. Eyes bulging and teeth showing, these biker hungry beasts chase us in packs in 2 to 3 on a regular basis. Scaring the heebie-jeebies out of us at first, our snarling assailants are sent home whimpering with a quick blast to the face with a well aimed water bottle; a skill we quickly acquired in this peculiar state. So long as no blood is drawn we usually coast a mile or 2 after an attack laughing our heads off, retelling our close encounter with our Kentucky enemy.

Today was quite the day although I was asleep till I found the puppy! Yeah ... while riding down the road I see a little ball of orange and white and think aww another dead animal to add to the list of kills in Kentucky . . . then it got up. I turned around and by that time the little guy had run over to Jimmy and started to pee on the ground. Jimmy picked him up and then handed him to me. Holding the puppy reminded me of when we got little Sage and Mocho. I wanted to take it with me but he probably wouldn't fit on my gear rack. But still would have been worth it to me! So, I thought well maybe we could find its home. Sike, being that we are in KENTUCKY people are used to stray dogs and say, "oh well someone must have dumped him off." Since I did not have my handle bar bag or other bags I couldn't just shove him in there and wing it back to town. So, Taz and Jimmy tell me to just put it over the fence and get ready to ride ... (DON'T KILL ME MOM) I DID IT :(. Leaving the dog behind and as he jumped and yelped as I let him over the fence . . . I got on my bike and left. Now I feel really bad about it and would love to go back and get it, but I do understand that there is nothing we could do, but the dog would be a very fun companion along the way. Oh well life goes on, I just hope he found a home. Otherwise today was crazy. . . from reading Jimmy's log you can probably tell. At a park, weather is great, see ya when I get home.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 10:42 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:28 PM EDT
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Mon, 26 Jun 2006

Tonight we are at a B&B drying out in Hindman, KY. Passed by Hazzard today. We spent some long, hot days in the saddle and now we’re spending some long, wet days in the saddle. It rained on us for 30+ hours which included our day off. We spent all day either eating, napping, or trying to stay dry. After trying to cram me and my gear into a one-person tent for a week and several nights of that week wet, I am ready to upgrade to a two-person tent. This tent is cozy, when it’s not wet out. I hit the sides, though, when I roll over.

No fun being wet for this long but at least I’m doing what I love, riding a bike—many days in a row! The first week was about surviving each day and getting a routine down. We’ve had a ton of laughs; Dusty is like watching a kid grow up. So much of what we’re seeing and doing is so fresh to him, some of his comments just crack us up. Jimmy and his dad, Jim, get the giggles so easily about anything, it makes us all giggle. This is what it’s all about—“the journey”. As Corie said, “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”. This trip will change us all!

The last few days have been good in ways but horrible in others! From vacuuming mushrooms with Charlie, who’s sitting in the rain under the tarp at Break’s Interstate Park, passing the Kentucky line, meeting the recumbent man (Ian Wood), and now sleeping under Dave’s roof at the B&B. Today was rainy and cold at times but Jimmy, Taz and I made the best of it! Through laughter and taking many breaks, today’s ride in the storm turned out to be a lot better than I had expected. My first dog encounter was today; an English Boxer ran out of the fence and ran beside me for a good 3 strides until he skidded closer to my bike. Then he turned around and retreated back to his roost on the front porch. Kentucky is HERE. The 3 upside down smashed cars that greeted us a few miles down the road from the VA/KY line assured us that we were on our way through the junkyard of the U.S. As said by Jimmy, “Kentucky is the graveyard for America’s cars” and I do believe he is right. Well we made it to Kentucky finally, our first state down. Now we have a new plan. MAKE IT THROUGH ALIVE!

It is too wet to use the computer, too far away from civilization to get internet access, if we do the right dance we can sometimes get the right cell service, and it hasn’t stopped raining for days. Good news: our butts don’t hurt anymore, we crossed our first state line, and we bike every day. Good times keep on coming; we spend our nights laughing about the day’s events and our days doing that thing we do . . . we bike. We pack camp, hop on our bikes, and pedal the miles to our next destination. Along the way we talk to local folks, admire the diversity and scenery from one day to the next, reminisce about old memories at the NUT in Harrisonburg on Shenandoah Club rides, and laugh at one another during flub-ups. With one day of Kentucky complete, we wish for sunshine, that we remain visible to coal truck drivers and that we remain invisible to Kentucky stray dogs.

Continued upkeep, lubrication and constant service to both our bodies and bikes, we tackle each day with confidence and excitement. Each ride carries us a bit closer to the unknown, yet further from the people and things we know and love. We think about you all, often share stories, pictures and memories to help each other understand our journey. Keep us in your thoughts . . . we be biking!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 10:35 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:06 AM EDT
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Wed, 21 Jun 2006
Day Three
Jimmy: Day three brought us our first shower! We are all just chuggin right along, falling right into a groove. Seeing the red truck sitting ahead in the distance will surely be a vision that we will miss greatly when Dad turns for home. Having a blast. Biking is what we do! HUGE THANKS to everyone for the compiled thoughts!! Good times, lots of laughs, keeping me going.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 8:53 PM EDT
Updated: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:57 PM EDT
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Tue, 20 Jun 2006
Climbing? What Climbing?
Taz: The ride has started! We are in day two of this amazing journey. We've gone from Massanutten, up the Blue Ridge Parkway, to Vesuvious, to Troutville with 5,000 feet of climbing today alone. Dusty and Jimmy are pulling me right along. Jimmy's dad Jim is an awesome support driver, he's spoiling us.
Dustin: Day two is almost as good as day one. However my butt hurts and I still can't shift, but Taz and Jimmy assure me that it will all come in time. Both nights have been free camping so far but tomorrow we will probably stay at a camp place with showers and laundry. I can't wait to get to a new state, although Virginia is okay. No strange events yet but here comes Kentucky, Yee Ha

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:00 PM EDT
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Mon, 19 Jun 2006
It's Time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, Just a couple of more hours. The guys will be here in a minute and we'll be on our way. I can't believe it's here! So many years of waiting, wishing and HOPING it would happen. Thank you again to EVERYONE! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 6:53 AM EDT
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F I R S T D A Y !
Jimmy, Taz, Dusty and Jimmy's dad, Jim, set out on their adventure from the top of Massanutten.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 9:43 PM EDT
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Sun, 18 Jun 2006
Send off
We love you Corrie and Chris Green. These guys are the best. They had a bonfire at their house last night in our honor. It was an awesome thing. Corrie presented us with these pendants for each of us. They stand for strength hope and courage. She had a cool speech to go with it. To top it off there were some crazy fireworks set off too. Thanks to everyone that came out to support us on this journey and just to have a good time.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 8:31 AM EDT
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Fri, 16 Jun 2006
Two Days To Go
Well, the truck capis on and as about as good as it's going to get. The modified clamps worked well. Thanks Bob. Also thanks to Biskit for the use of the cap.
Got a lot of the last minute details taken care of today. A few little things yet like SPOKES! Yes, you always carry extra spokes on a trip like this just - in- case. I measured all of them a long time ago but have not picked them up yet!!
Also, thank you to my good friend Buddy Drone for changing the oil on my truck and giving it the once over before the trip.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 11:06 PM EDT
Updated: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 12:10 PM EDT
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Wed, 14 Jun 2006
Another milestone for Dusty!
Tonight on the last club before our "big" rideDusty did something I've never seen him do before. He reached down, grabbed his water bottle,took a swig and put it back in it's holder just like a pro. This sounds like a simple act, but not so for a novice road biker. The bike feels squirrelly and most do not want to let go of the bar to reach down. This is a goooood thing. He WILL need to drink on this trip!
The ride was good. This would be Jimmy's last Valley road ride other than to leave the valley. He is staying out west after the trip for those that don't know that yet. There were about 15 or so people there. We got rained on and waited out a storm on the porch of a funeral pallor out in the sticks. Everyone was wishing us well on our trip and genuinely excited for us. We'll be thinking of you all! Special thanks to Mashall Hammond, he knows why.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 10:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 7:05 PM EDT
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