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2006 Summer
Sun, 20 Aug 2006
The End
TAZ, Jimmy and Dusty: Our last blog entry. Why? Because
We finished our big ride yesterday by passing through Astoria on our way to the Pacific Ocean. Pedaling 3978.8 miles in 61 days our worn tires came to a rest in the sandy beaches of Seaside, OR. Now in our home away from home at Jesse and Taisha's house in Vancouver, WA we are boxing bikes and preparing to come home.

The endless support, thoughts and prayers along our cross-country trek was truly fuel for our fire. Daily hardships including, but not limited to, HEAT, WIND, RAIN, physical/emotional strain and unpredictable obstacles were overcome with perseverance and help from all of you. We thank each of you as we look forward to sharing stories of our journey at our return home. No picture, blog, or conversation can do justice to the emotions, physical strain, and events we have experienced...however this bitter sweet moment has us bursting with excitement to see those we love and the things that were once so familiar as well as sad that such a wonderful chapter has come to a close. As each of us stared towards the Pacific Ocean at a statue marked, "The Trails End," we knew that we had accomplished a feat of a lifetime. Standing in awe, our team of three now plans to return East, a direction we've not steered towards for two months. The memories, friendships, and character that was built from the experiences on our great Country's roadways are something that we will have forever.

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."
-Corrie Green

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 2:58 AM EDT
Updated: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:41 PM EDT
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Mon, 14 Aug 2006
Day 57
TAZ: Well, today we are forced to do a shorter day of 50ish miles. Forced to find a shower or a river or something to get clean in. Our next option is at 103 miles. No one wants to ride that far on dirty clothes and road grimed bodies. So right now we are at our 1/2 way point for the day in Umatilla, WA.
I know it's been a while since we left Missoula but I wanted to go back and thank Adam for letting us camp out in his back yard the second night we were in town. He was cool. We met him in Taco DelSol while we were scarfing down dinner. He's done some touring himself and wishes to do more. You've got our info Adam!
Crossing into Idaho at Lolo Pass and a new time zone was exciting as was riding down the canyons that lead us to Clarskton, WA. We rode along rivers for two days and today we have switched rivers and we are now along the Columbia until we finish.
I'm looking forward to a real pillow. My sweatshirt all balled up is great, but the real deal is better! We have so many pictures! We are going to put them on a slide show with music. It's going to be awesome! It's more awesome if you have been there, so all of you that have been saying you want to do this some day need to get out there and do it. Even if it is not on a bike, get out there!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 2:26 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:39 PM EDT
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Sunday, August 13th
Day 56ish
Knock the Wind Out of My Sail!

Jimmy: At 100 miles into today?s ride,we sat in the saddle only 5 hours 15 minutes, pedaled 3 major climbs and enjoyed views of endless wheat fields. With all of our bags taking a ride in Mike’s mustang (a friend of Jesse and Taisha), we took a 117-mile chunk out of our Washington trail. As the wind whipped up dust devils on top of dry fields, we pedaled at an average of 18 mph, dodging winds and rolling along Route 12’s beautiful terrain. Following the Lewis and Clark trail, Dusty, Taz and I clung tightly to the tandem which, between gravity and its 2-horsepower team, kept us moving at a grueling rate. We’d ride 5 wide, talking and enjoying our now lighter bikes, then crest a hill causing gears to drop to the smallest crank and we’d all be single file again. Lined up in this fashion the wind filled our ears and dried sweat to our sun beaten skin and the miles flew by! The miles go by too quick now; as I watch them flip by today I couldn’t help but think how near the end is. With a dollar bill and electrical tape keeping my front tire in working order, I watched as it coast only inches from my pedaling companions. 3,631 miles from home, we not only ride in sync but ride as one. With the sun setting westward in front of us, I watch our graceful line of bikes make way down Washington roads. Fierce headwinds turned our last 17 miles into our worst in days. A lumpy campsite, a Columbia River too gross to stick a big toe in, and mosquitoes that can bight through clothing, we raced to set up our screened tents. An unhappy ending to an epic day, our trail friend Preacher Bill would say, “It’s all good.” Pedaling down the home stretch I am overwhelmed with memories I can’t begin to keep track of. Sharing some with you, burying others deep in our journals, our cross-country journey slowly rolls to a close. A sticker on the top tube of my bike reads, “I ride, therefore I TransAm”.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:57 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:52 PM EDT
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Fri, 11 Aug 2006
Day 54
Dustin: Coming towards the end of the trip has taken a bigger toll on me than I had thought... When starting this journey I was thinking this is great but then I did not see the end as near. Now that it is at my doorstep I realize that this was more than a trip it was an eye opening experience that would bring me into the REAL world! And something that I would remember for the rest of my life. With one week left and 500ish miles to go it has finally sunk that I am in IDAHO by way of bicycle! We are crazy! But this is the journey of a lifetime and I am sure that there is more to come.

PS We crossed into the last time zone yesterday--so we are now 3hrs behind everyone at home!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 7:08 PM EDT
Updated: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:17 PM EDT
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Wed, 9 Aug 2006
Day 51 ish Losing track unless I look at my Journal!
*3275 Miles done about 630 to go
*3 states to go
*54 mph - our new high speed coming off Big Hole Pass, MT
*Flat tires? We've lost track, Shoulders are great to ride on here out west, but they are covered with bits of tire trash and glass. The # is somewhere between 15 and 20.

TAZ: We are now in Missoula, MT. We rode 118 MT mtn miles to get here last night. (Was supposed to be about 130 mi but we found a short cut.) We wanted to get here to get to a bike shop for new tires and to check out the Adventure Headquarters. They are the people who make the maps we use. There is sort of a bike museum here too. There was no camping avail. in this town so after we searched a long time over our 10pm dinner we ended up ( all 5 of us) in a small motel room.
We have been on the road long enough now that we are seeing changes in all of us. I can't believe how much Dusty has grown as a cyclist. He shifts without thinking, and does it when he should, when everyone else is shifting. And strong! Both Jimmy and Dusty have gotten so strong. We all have but they are soooo Strong. The only way for me to keep up with them is to stay tucked behind one of them. Then when we hit the long climbs they just disappear. Jimmy loves the climbs, especially the tall, steep ones.
I've had tons of time to think about what I want to do with the rest of my life. What you say? There are several possibilites. I'll tell you this: I like Colorado a lot, but my favorite state for scenery over all has been Montana. The rest of what is in store for me, you'll just have to wait and see. This trip is one of my biggest dreams come true, but I've learned that I can make any of my dreams come true. Hard work, sacrifice, and just plain wanting it and you CAN make ANYTHING happen!
Now, for the rest of the trip we've decided to go the route of Lewis and Clark trail to the coast. We heard about this from someone on the trail and are looking forward to this adventure. We picked up the maps here today and will move on tonight. The five of us now.
Well, time to sign off, got to go get those tires and check chains and avoid a storm and find food and hit the post office, and get photos developed at Walmart to send back to you guys!!!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 4:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 9:33 PM EDT
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Mon, 7 Aug 2006
Day 48

It has been really hard to keep up with the web site as northern Wyoming and Montana offer little cell service. So here is my best effort at a quick catch-up. Seems so long ago now, but Wyoming landscape which started so bleak transformed into magnificent colors, cliffs, and formations stunning us all. Captured by the mysterious colors, beautiful views, and giant skies we climbed the 9,600 foot ascent of Togwotee Pass uncovering the great Teton Mountains! My words can do no justice in describing another mile of our past few days. Bicycling through the immense Tetons, breathtaking views in Yellowstone National Park, natural wonders like Old Faithful and Morning Glory, and now the endless mountains and streams of Montana have brought countless memories I can’t begin to describe. As you now know with the addition of our tandem friends, all five of us continue to pedal with the same energy and excitement we contained at the peak of Massanutten back in June. Mechanical problems seem to pop up daily slowing our cross country stride, but not discouraging us one bit. With a patched tube in my rear tire I carry two already popped tubes as spares. These roads show us unbelievable views and wildlife but also bring flat tires and other assorted mechanical problems. No cell service, showers in COLD western streams, meals in small town saloons and conversation with strangers continue to uncover all we seek on this awesome journey. On our tired bikes we plop road worn bodies on our saddles every morning, wondering what is to come and glowing about what has passed.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 1:33 AM EDT
Updated: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 8:29 PM EDT
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Tue, 1 Aug 2006
Day 43
TAZ: We are in Lander WY. Today is our second full day here. We've hooked up with Jesse and Taisha and they've got some wheel probs. We are waiting on parts to arrive from ECBA (the shop where I work) so we can fix them up. They broke three spokes within 20 miles and had broken more the day before. After some investigating and talking with Les (my boss) we've decided that the wheel they built in KS was built incorrectly, so we are going to rebuild it here. Lander's population of 5600 and elevation of 6800ft is better than a whole lot of others we could have been stuck in. Even though the shop in this town couldn't help us at all, at least there is a shop.
So the "team" has grown. It is quite a parade as we go through town. We have like 1500 miles to go. It seems like so little compared to what we've already done. Dusty and I were talking the other day while riding. We think it's hard to believe we are seeing the things we are seeing. They can't be real, we can't be seeing this stuff! We are on our bikes! How could this be real? We've ridden our bikes right into another world! Sometimes what we're seeing looks like a picture in a book or a movie. Boy it's a long way between towns (50+ miles)!
Here in the next couple of days we will be getting into the Teton Mtns. More to look at! Once we get to Missoula MT we are thinking of taking the Lewis and Clark Trail the rest of the way over to the coast. It supposedly cuts a couple of days off and has even better scenery. For now I think I'll go hang out at the camping store and wait for UPS to arrive with bicycle parts! Later!

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 2:23 PM EDT
Updated: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:49 PM EDT
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Mon, 31 Jul 2006
We have made it to Wyoming! Only 3 more states to go till we reach the West coast. We have made some new friends along the trail! Jesse and Taisha caught up to us in Walden and we have been together ever since! They are a happily married young couple as Bill would say. Traveling with these two make the "pack" look so much bigger especially since they are on a tandem (two seated bike). We now have other people to camp with ride with and talk to! The weather in Wyoming is great without humidity it makes for mostly mild days and cool nights. Although the sprinklers seem to get in the way sometimes... The terrain is still changing but it makes the day go by quicker. When you have amazing mountains with red rock and vast plains all in the same mile its really hard to keep pedaling because there is so much to see. Only a few more days in Wyoming then we are headed to Montana. I really don't know what to expect but I am sure that it will add to this great adventure. I would like to thank all of you who read these blogs and respond. Your support really keeps our spirits up and gets us through the tough times. Seven down three to go!!!

Check out Jesse and Taisha:

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 4:13 PM EDT
Updated: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:25 PM EDT
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Fri, 28 Jul 2006
Day 39
Jimmy; 2,414 miles

Getting on the bike Wednesday morning was tough after a luxurious stay at the Leopold’s. The comfort of great home cooked meals and even better company was a nice break from our rugged journey. They gave us the inside scoop on Breckenridge (9,600 ft.) as we all fell in love with this beautiful homey ski town. Wednesday morning thoughts of survival back on the trail and pressing on towards Wyoming filled our minds, Taz’s buds Bob and Anna came to our rescue! In their sweet pimped out motor home van they wanted to carry our bags for a day and share the adventure! Our bellies filled with Bob and Anna’s fine cooking, we retreated to their intricate hand designed van, which housed our evening pow wow. Parked next to the Colorado River, trickling down the steep canyons, I dove into the bone chilling waters for a quick bath and realized our Sag support would soon be yet another great memory on our journey. Today it was the three of us again; bags, tents and bikes. As we fell into stride surrounded by Colorado’s enormous cliffs we dreamed of Breck, recalled laughs with Bob and Anna and were again alone on the road. Camped at a nice park in Walden (8,200 ft) for the night we will pedal into the vast and unknowing Wyoming tomorrow morning. Our break could not have been more enjoyable, but now we bike. After all…biking is what we do.

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 12:48 AM EDT
Updated: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:25 PM EDT
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Tue, 25 Jul 2006
Day 37
TAZ: I couldn't sleep last night I was so excited just to be in Breckenridge. I love this place. It is just one big playground! Like Massanutten and Harrisonburg but much, much bigger. But tomorrow we leave. We were hoping to get a package in from home with chains and brake pads in it so we could do some routine maint. here in Breck but the package has not shown up yet.
In the morning we are meeting with Bob and Anna Carts. They are friends from Northern VA that happen to be out here on vacation in their RV. They have offered to carry our bags for a day and camp out with us. It's really cool they are out here right now and even cooler that they willing to do that for us!
We are starting to head NW now up towards Wyoming. There doesn't look like there are many libraries for a while so we may be back to phoning in the blogs. As we continue through the Rockies we will surely be amazed by more and more beauty. Yet everyone around here tells us that OR is more beautiful. We wonder how?

Posted by mtnbikertaz at 11:29 PM EDT
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