Real Name: Benzaiten

Occupation: Goddess of love, beauty and luck, patron goddess of musicians and the arts, former sea-goddess

Legal Status: Citizen of Ama

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Benten except as a mythological deity.

Other Aliases: Benten-San, Sengen, Sengen-sama, Kotokuten ("goddess of meritorious works"), Ako Myo-on-ten ("goddess of the marvelous voice"), White Snake Lady

Place of Birth: Unknown

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: Bishamon (possible adoptive father), Kishijoten (possible adoptive mother), Komoku, Jigoku, Zocho (uncles), Fukrokuju, Daikoko, Hotei, Jorojin, (foster brothers), Ebisu (cousin), Oyamatsumi (first husband, possibly deceased), Inari (second husband), The Jiugo Poki (sons), Iha-naga, Konohana, Yukionna, Tasutahime (daughters), Kagutsuchi (father-in-law), Ninigi (son-in-law, deceased), Hodoeri, Hososeri, Hoori (grandsons), Jimmu, Hachiman (descendants), 

Group Affiliations: The Gods of Japan, The Shichi Fukujin

Base of Operations: Ama and Enoshima Island near Kamakura, Japan

First Appearance: Thor #301 (behind the scenes)

History: Benten is a member of the extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Amatsu-kami who were worshipped as gods by the Ainu, the ancestors of modern Japan. Not much is know about her origins; she arrived in Japan by sea from another dimension, possibly Ama, the home of the Japanese gods. Originally a sea-goddess, she was accepted among the Shichi Fukujin, the gods of luck and fortune, sons of the war-god, Bishamon. She eventually became known as a goddess of love. She became the wife of Oyamatsumi, the mountain god who lived atop Mount Fuji, and sired several children. Her daughter, Konohana, became the wife of Ninigi, heir to the throne of Japan and divine ancestor to the Emperors of Japan. Benten also became the wife of Inari, the rice-god, after the death of Uke-Mochi, the food-goddess.

Around 1000 AD, Izanagi, Ruler of the Japanese gods, met with the other rulers of the gods of Earth once worshipped on Earth to discuss the threat of the Third Host of the Celestials. They had to pledge not to interfere with the plans the Celestials had with humanity after the Celestials threatened to seal off the interdimensional pathways the gods' respective dimensions to Earth. Amaterasu, the sun-goddess, meanwhile met with the other queens of the pantheons of Earth's gods to choose twelve humans of pure genetic potential to serve as examples of humanity during the Fourth Host of the Celestials. She discovered Chi Lo, a young girl from Japan in the 1970s to become part of the Young Gods. Later known as Harvest, Chi Lu and the other Young Gods were sheltered in a secret location by Benten and several other of the goddesses of Earth until the Fourth Host of the Celestials. The Celestials accepted the Young Gods as examples of humanity and promised not to destroy Earth, later departing Earth with the Young Gods. 

Unlike the majority of Earth’s gods, Benten and the Amatsu-kami have been worshipped by the Japanese well into the Twentieth Century. In recent years, Mikaboshi, the god of evil and enemy of the Japanese gods, recovered the Grasscutter Sword from Earth lost by Susanowo, the storm-god. The sword had been a gift to the Imperial Family of Japan for centuries, but when the empire fell during World War Two, it was hidden away in a heavily guarded temple where Mikaboshi lead demonic armies to acquire it for him. The sword was protected by those samurai who had lost their lives to it, but Thor and the Asgardian Gods eventually freed it. They were unable to safely protect it as Asgard, the home of the Asgardian gods, was frequently invaded by other threats, such as Morgan le Fay, who scattered the relics of Asgard on Earth as she seized the Twilight Sword to remake the Earth to her liking. Thor eventually led the Avengers against Morgan and reclaimed the Twilight Sword.

Using the Grasscutter Sword, Mikaboshi severed Ameno-kihasi-date, the bridge connecting Ama, the home of the Japanese gods, to Earth and conquered Yomi, the other-dimensional realm that served as the residence for the shades (ghosts) of the worshippers of the Japanese gods, unleashing the demons of Yomi upon Ama as a result. Several of the Kami either lost their lives in the bloodshed or were forced into hiding in other dimensions. Benten fled Ama protected by her dragon-steed, Hakuja, for Earth, as Bishamon protected another group of Kami to safety. Mikaboshi then turned his attention to the other gods of Earth and lead an attack on the Olympian gods, but Inari, the rice-god, soon rallied with Hermes, the Olympian god of messengers, to use trickery and deception in uniting their two pantheons against Mikaboshi and defeat him. 

In the absence of Izanagi, king of the Amatsu-kami, Bishamon became acting ruler of the surviving Japanese gods. The Amatsu-kami are largely scattered between Earth and other worlds, but Benten has been seen living on Earth, romanced by Apollo and Oenghus who have recognized her. Just which of the Amatsu-kami have survived and their subsequent whereabouts are is unrevealed.

Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 310 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Unusual Physical Features: In ancient times, Benten sometimes appeared with four or eight arms.

Strength Level: Benten possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Benten possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Amatsu-kami or Gods of Japan. Like all of the Kami, she is extremely long-lived, but she is not immortal like the Olympian gods. She has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. She is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If she were somehow wounded, her godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Izanagi, Takamimusubi or Susanowo or for a number of Japanese gods of equal power working together to revive her. Benten also possesses superhuman strength and her Kami metabolism provides her with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. Though not quite as powerful as the Olympian or Asgardian gods, the Amatsu-kami have greater speed, reflexes and responses than the Olympian gods. (Kami flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Amatsu-kami.)

Benten also has some ability to tap into and manipulate mystical energies. The full extent of her powers are unrevealed, but she can levitate objects, alter her form and attire and materialize objects. She can also walk across water and exist underwater without detrimental effects.

Abilities: Benten is a highly charismatic and beneficent goddess with musical and singing ability. She has limited ability to defend herself in physical combat.

Weapons/Paraphernalia: Benten carries a number of mystical weapons and objects which represent different mystical objects and attributes. She has been known to carry a sword, jewel, bow, arrow, wheel and key. These objects are representatives of the forces she represents, i.e. the sword for wisdom, the lute for music...). She also carries a biwa, which resembles a lute.

Pets: Benten rides upon a huge serpent named Hakuja who is obedient to her whims and protects her to dangers to her life.

Comments: Benten has not yet appeared in Marvel or DC Comics.

In mythology, Benten is actually a transplanted goddess; Benten is the Japanese name of the Hindu goddess Sarasvati, and Benzaiten is the Japanese name of Lakshmi. Sengen appears in the genealogy of the divine ancestors of the Emperors of Japan.

Clarifications: Benten is not to be confused with any other love-goddess:  

Last updated: 10/13/08


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