Demons are a generic name for any non-human being who is mystical in nature, superhuman in power and inclined towards acts of evil. The distinction between "demon" and "god" is somewhat blurry. While gods tend to be more benevolent in nature than demons, there are also evil gods. While gods tend to be objects of worship more often than demons, there are also demons that are worshipped. Gods and demons alike tend to dwell within extra-dimensional worlds. Gods and demons alike have greater mystical powers than normal humans beings, and have trafficked with humankind.

The major distinction between god and demon would appear to be that gods in general are a slightly more evolved life form than demons. Demons tend to be a parasitic form of quasi-mystical superhuman life, requiring sustenance of some sort (generally "souls" or life essences) from lesser creatures (like man) in order to live. Gods, on the other hand, exist without preying upon lesser creatures. While most demons are born as demons, it is possible for a god to physically degenerate into a life-preying demon.

There appears to be three major types of demons. The first type began to existence on earth as gods. These demons, sometimes called the Elder Gods because they were the forerunners of the more anthropomorphic gods of later ages, were closely associated with the Earth itself, and may have actually influenced the terrain of the Earth as it was forming. This class of demons includes Chthon, Set, Y'Garon, Gaea, Mikaboshi and Belathauzer, and their numerous spawn. The Elder Gods, most of who were not humanoid in form, later degenerated into preying upon their own since humankind had not yet been born. With the coming of the first generation of new gods, the Elder Gods were destroyed or if they were resourceful enough, managed to flee Earth's dimension. Only the Elder God named Gaea managed to escape the degeneration process and was permitted by the new gods to exist. Gaea infused her godly essence into all living things and became the goddess known as Mother Earth.

Demons of the second type may also be fallen or degenerate gods, but they date from far later generations. These demons, also called devils, dwell in extra-dimensional realms generally referred to as "Hells," and to this day use human beings as pawns or subjects. This class of demons includes Mephisto, Satannish, Thog, Asmodeus, Ahriman, Baphomet and Lord Satanis (all of whom, possibly, are actually the same being in different guises or manifestations). Several of these entities claim to be "Satan" (a Hebrew word meaning "adversary") in order to exploit humanity's belief in a single incarnate being of absolute evil. The "real" Satan (if such an entity exists) has not yet been seen in any account. Even those human beings who believe they are related to or influenced by Satan (Daimon Hellstorm, Satana, Ghost Rider, etc.) have actually been trafficking with some other demon posing as Satan. There exists a sub-class of messengers and servants who serve the major demonic rulers of the various "Hells." These beings derive from the same origin as their masters but are inferior in amassed power. Demons in this category include Zarathos, Ningal, Ludi, Dagoth, D'Spayre, Allatou and veritable hordes of lesser-known creatures.

Demons of the third type are also extra-dimensional in origin but are non-humanoid in form and alien in motivation. Some of these demons have happened upon Earth at some point in their existences; others have remained in their own realms awaiting discovery by dimensional travelers and sorcerers. Demons in this category include Shuma-Gorath, an enormous multi-tentacled slug-like creature that preyed upon humanity in prehistory, the N'Garai, a race of demons who are the extra-dimensional spawn of one of the Elder Gods who escaped Earth's demon-purge of eons ago, and the Undying Ones, another race of demons who originated extra-dimensionally.

Demons of the fourth type are actually the malignant spirits of human beings who through either immoral lifestyles or through alliances with actual demonic influences became evil spirits after death. Many of these beings have become attached to objects or locations with which they were affiliated with after death, often preying on human beings for sustenance. The best example of this type was Frederick Krueger, a serial-killer of children who continued preying children long after his death in Springwood, Illinois until he was finally destroyed. Several of these entities often become subservient lackeys to other more powerful demons and are often exorcised by demonologists or individuals familiar with the paranormal, such as the Halliwell Sisters and Sam and Dean Winchester.   

There are also a number of extra-dimensional mystical beings of an evil nature whose origins are so hazy that they cannot be classified as true demons or any of the previous three types. Some are rulers of their own dimensions, like Nightmare and Dormammu, and may be evil gods. Some live in interdimensional space like the Dweller in Darkness. Others are simply extra-dimensional monsters (Dark-Crawler, Zom, Visimajoris), mortals (Tiboro, Xander, Shialmar, Shazana), or elementals (Hydron, Zephyr, Magnum). Truly, the multiverse of dimensions, which encompasses Earth's universe, is populated with diverse beings of supernatural attributes. A demon may simply be any or anything that says he, she, or it is one.

Adapted from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II #3


Real Name: Aeshma Deus

Occupation: Lord of Hell

Legal Status: Non-Entity

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Asmodeus except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: Abaddon, Azmodeus, Ashmodei, Asmodaios, Ashmedai, Asmodai, Asmodee, Osmodeus, Osmodai, et al.

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: Ahriman (father, alias Ravanna), Ahah Manah, Apaosha, Druj, Saura, Nasu (brothers), Jahi (sister), Vohu Manah, Armaiti, Haurvatat, Asha, Ameretet, Sharevar (cousins), Lilith (wife), Belial (son),

Group Affiliation: The Spenta Mainyu

Base of Operations: Abaddon

First Appearance: (historical) The Book of Tobit, (modern) The Twilight Zone (Episode: The Other Place); (recent) Ghost Rider II #53

History: Asmodeus is a one of the Asuras, one of a order of underworld gods native to the realms of the Hindu and Persian Gods. However, in Christian theology, he is considered one of several "fallen angels" who joined Lucifer's rebellion against God and was cast out of Heaven like Lucifer's other allies and degenerated into a demon. It is unknown how much of this is correct or if Asmodeus was just one of several demons known on Earth who became allies with Lucifer and were subsequently exiled to the underworld. (In Hebrew theology, Asmodeus is the son of Adam and Naamah, a female demon, but this account may be apocryphal.)

Like all demons, Asmodeus presides in Abaddon, the lowest part of the underworld reserved for the suffering of human souls. Abaddon was known by several names including Sheol to the Hebrew and Apollyon to the Greeks, but in modern Christian theology, Abaddon is known as Hell. In Christian lore, he was one of seven lords of hell under Lucifer, who was identified as Satan in the Bible. Each of these lords represented each of the seven sins with Asmodeus representing lust and carnal desire, therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires. According to one account, Asmodeus encountered Lilith, the Mesopotamian underworld-goddess who ruled over Hell, and eventually mated with her, siring the demon, Belial, and several other demonic progeny. Several demons are believed to have ruled and controlled several portions of Hell, creating a very complex hierarchy of demons and lesser demons, often fighting and scheming with each other for complete dominion.

Asmodeus was reportedly greatly attracted to Bathsheba, one of the wives of King Solomon of Judea in the Tenth Century BC. According to ancient legends, Asmodeus was one of several demons mystically imprisoned by King Solomon to help him in the construction of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. He also predicted that Solomon's kingdom would one day be divided, but when Solomon tried to interrogate Asmodeus further, the king learned that the wily demon was prevented from making further predictions by the angel Raphael. Asmodeus later confessed to hating water and birds because both reminded him of God. However, Asmodeus sent King Solomon on a mission that sent him from Canaan then changed places with him to be with Bathsheba for some years. When Solomon returned, Asmodeus fled from his wrath.

In the Eight Century BC, Asmodeus fell in love with Sarah, a woman in Assyria, and slew all of her potential suitors. Sarah's cousin, Tobias, a Hebrew prophet, was advised by Raphael to abstain from sexual relations with her for three nights and showed him the rituals to drive away Asmodeus. Burning the liver and heart of a fish, Tobias managed to drive Asmodeus away, and Asmodeus fled to Egypt where he clashed with Raphael for several battles.


In modern years, Asmodeus often appeared to mortals as a handsome man with a cane often running a gambling parlor or brothel in Purgatory, inciting gambling and over-seeing humans cavorting with humans under his allegiance in order to procure souls. With Lilith by his side, Asmodeus ruled over seventy-two legions of demons under his command, but in recent years, he sought to make a pawn of the Ghost Rider in his intended campaign of terror against the Earth, often sending lesser demons to Earth to try and corrupt Johnny Blaze, the human side of the Ghost Rider. His interest in the Ghost Rider led to some enmity with Mephisto, who held the contract on Blaze's soul. Asmodeus continued to proceed with collecting other human souls, briefly clashing with Dracula, the Lord of Earth's Vampires, over the soul of a mystic named Gregor Smirnoff. He also posed as a human in a game of chance with Belasco, Dormammu and Mephisto over the soul of the succubus Satana but was driven from Earth by a mystic sword wielded by Deadpool.

In recent years, Asmodeus met with the other rival lords of hell over the threat of Cul the Serpent to their perspective realms.

Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 425 lbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black

Unusual Physical Features: Asmodeus tends to appear in several forms to mortals. Usually appearing as a fine-dressed gentleman, he has also appeared as a satyr or as a man with a serpent's tail and the heads of a sheep, a bull and a ball of fire.

Strength Level: Unrevealed. Asmodeus possibly has superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) around 30 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Asmodeus is a Class Two demon possessing analogous physical attributes of the Gods of India. Like the Yazatas and the Devas, the Gods of Persia and India, Asmodeus is extremely long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Gods of Olympus. Using mystical means to preserve her youth, he has ceased to age upon reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Asmodeus also possesses superhuman strength and endurance; his Rakshasas metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities.

Asmodeus has several abilities to tap into and manipulate occult energies. He can project blasts of mystic force and conjure psychokinetic energy in the form of poltergeist activity. He can also sense and perceive the thoughts of mortals and lesser demons, but he cannot read the thoughts of other demons. His primary power is the ability to procure the life energies ("souls") of living things, specifically human beings, giving him complete control over his victims or completely reducing them into a desiccated corpse. However, he is not nearly as powerful as demons like Ravanna or Mephisto, who could conjure Asmodeus to his presence against his will.

Pets/Transportation: Asmodeus often rides a lion-headed winged dragon.

Comments: This bio describes Asmodeus as he has appeared in Marvel Comics and in The Twilight Zone (Episode: "A Nice Place To Visit"); it is not known if he has appeared in DC Comics.

Clarifications: Asmodeus is not to be confused with:

  • Asmodeus, Dr. Charles Benton, former leader of the Sons of Satannish, @ Dr. Strange I #169

  • Asmodeus, a green-skinned member of the Inhumans, @ Fantastic Four I#117

  • Asmodeus, devil-worshipper, ally of Morningstar, @ Moon Knight I#29

  • Asmodeus, a, extra-dimensional entity worshipped by the Enclave, @ Tomb of Dracula Magazine #2

  • Asmodeus, former warlock turned demon, member of the Triad, @ Charmed TV-Series (Episode: The Magic Hour")

  • Asmodeus Jones, entertainer, pawn of the Fashima of the Six-Fingered Hand, @ Defenders I #96

  • Azmodeus, bird-demon, servant of Master Pandemonium, @ West Coast Avengers II #4


Real Name: Lempo

Occupation: God of misfortune, former forest-god

Legal Status: Non-Entity

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Hiisi except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: Paha, Paapiru ("Father of the Piru"), Junta, Juntas, Rota, Rutu-Aimo,

Place of Birth: Unrevealed

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Kaleva (alleged father), Aijo (mother), Pohjan, Undutar (aunts), Louhi (alleged grandmother), Paha, Juntas (possible brothers), Suoyatar (sister), Mammalainen (neice), Aarni (grand-niece)

Group Affiliations: The Gods of Finland

Base of Operations: Pohjola (now part of modern Finland), possibly Mobile

First Appearance: Hiisi has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.

History: Hiisi is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Kalevalans, an extra-dimensional race of beings who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe. In ancient myths, he was described as a woodland spirit who caused mischief and haunted locations where the Ancient Finns worshipped and sacrificed to their gods. Not much more is known about his origins. In some myths, he is known under the names of Paha and Juntas, but it is not certain if these are actually other names or other gods.

After Christianity was introduced in Finland, Hiisi was actually recognized as having more demon-like attributes and became known as the god of evil among the Ancient Finns. At some point, he took the name Hiisi from the hiisi ("demons'), the evil spirits native to the Kalevalan cosmology of of gods. Hiisi was known to torment mortals, particularly the wizard, Vainamoinen, during his attempts to visit the land of Pohjola. As Vainamoinen was constructing a boat strong enough to visit the frozen north, Hiisi and a number of demons distracted Vainamoinen, and the wizard accidentally pierced his own leg with his axe. Vainamoinen survived by using magic to stave off his wounds. About a year later, Hiisi was one of the beings summoned by Louhi, the Queen of the North, to attack and punish Vainamoinen for stealing the Sampo, but Vainamoinen and his brothers fought off Hiisi and the demons and escaped.

Hiisi's modern whereabouts are unknown. Worship of the Finnish gods declined after Christianity was adopted as a religion in Finland, but later folklore identifies Hiisi as another name of the Christian devil. His later activities are as yet unrevealed, but it is believed he was among the rival lords of hell meeting over the threat of Cul the Serpent to their perspective realms.

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Red
Hair: None

Strength Level: Hiisi possesses superhuman strength, but his exact level is unknown. The typical Finnish god has superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 30 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Hiisi possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Kalevalan gods. Like all Finnish Gods, he is extremely long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Olympian gods. He has aged at an extremely slow rate since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Ukko, Ahto or Vainamoinen, or for a number of Finnish gods of equal power working together to revive him. Hiisi also possesses superhuman strength to an unknown degree and his Kalevalan metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Kalevalan flesh and bone is about twice times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Finnish Gods.)

Hiisi has limited abilities to tap into and manipulate mystical abilities. Although his full range of abilities are unrevealed, he can fly and control lines of psychokinetic force, allowing him to affect lines of probability with negative results, producing "curses." He can cause accidents and disasters occur by conjuring several smaller incidents in succession to occur

Comments: Hiisi has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.


Real Name: Jahi

Occupation: Succubus, Goddess of sin and lust

Legal Status: Non-Entity

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Jahi except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: Jah, Jeh (alternate spellings)

Place of Birth: Unrevealed, possibly somewhere in the Elburz Mountain of Northern Iran

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Ahriman (father, alias Ravanna), Ahah Manah, Apaosha, Druj, Saura, Nasu (brothers), Vohu Manah, Armaiti, Haurvatat, Asha, Ameretet, Sharevar (cousins)

Group Affiliations: The Gods of Persia, The Spenta Mainyu

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: "Pantheons of the Megaverse" by C. J. Carella

History: Jahi is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Asuras, a race of beings descended from the Adityas or Vedic Gods of Eastern Europe and Asia. According to myths, the Adityas were the progeny of Purusha, the Hindu sky-god, and Gaea, the Earth-goddess in her role as Aditi, the Vedic mother-goddess. They had several children including Varuna, the sky-god, who became ruler of the Adityas or Vedic Gods. Varuna and the Adityas, however, were overthrown by their rivals, the Rakshasas, lead by the demon, Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu was known on Earth as Ahriman, the god of evil, who fathered several gods with demonic attributes who became known as the Asuras. The Rakshasas and the Asuras were later overthrown by Vishnu, the sun-god, whose worship eclipsed the Yazatas and became known as Hinduism. Losing his worship rites on Earth to Vishnu, Varuna turned to his worshippers in Persia who knew him under the name Ormazd and guided the prophet Zarathrusta into founding Zoroasterism, the chief religion of the Persian Gods. Although relations between the Persian Gods and Hindu Gods remain undefined, it is known several Devas, like Agni and Vaya, had roles in both pantheons.

Jahi was a member of the Spenta Mainyu, a group of Asuras who lead the forces of darkness on Earth. Like many of the group, Jahi was the daughter of Ahriman, the lord of the armies of darkess in Persian belief. Considered the favorite of his progeny, Jahi was often sent to corrupt and seduce men and lead them to dark deeds. In later myths, she became the lover of Ravana, the Chieftain of the Rakshasas, and modern incarnation of Ahriman. She was sent to torment Gayomart, the mortal son of Ormazd and ancestor of the kings of Persia. (Later myths refer to Gayomart as the first man in Persian religion.)

Jahi's modern whereabouts and activities are unrevealed.

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 275 lbs
Eyes: Brown, sometimes Red
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Jahi possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) around 25 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Jahi possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Asuras. Like the Yazatas and the Devas, the Gods of India, Jahi is extremely long-lived, but she is not immortal like the Gods of Olympus. Using mystical means to preserve her youth, she has aged very slowly upon reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. She is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If she were somehow wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Varuna, Vishnu or for a number of Persian gods of equal power working together to revive her. Jahi also possesses superhuman strength and her Asura metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Asura flesh and bone is nearly three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to their superhuman strength and weight.)

Jahi has several abilities to tap into and manipulate occult energies, but her primary power is the ability to procure the life energies ("souls") of living things, specifically human beings, giving her complete long-range hypnotic control over her victims or completely reducing them into a desiccated corpse. She was also a capable shape-shifter, capable of transforming herself into the ideal beauty for any culture or individual. It is unknown if she had some low-level telepathic ability to read the minds of her victims to become their ideal mate or if she just automatically transformed into their ideal lover; otherwise, her appearance before several potential male victims could over-tax her shape-shifting ability. Once she procured the souls of her victims, she could force her victims to follow her bidding, and enthrall and manipulate them to follow her commands. However, she has no power over gods of exceptional strength, like Zeus or Thor, or mortals of exceptional strong will.

Comments: This bio describes Jahi as she appears in the Rifts World continuity; she has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.


Real Name: Unknown, possibly inapplicable

Occupation: Demon

Legal Status: Non-Entity

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Paris except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: None, although Paris has informally impersonated James Dean, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi.

Place of Birth: Unknown

Place Of Death: Canton, Ohio

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Unknown

Group Affiliations: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: "Supernatural" TV-Series, Episode "Fallen Idols"

History: Paris is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Leshii, a race of beings native to Other-World, the realm of the Slavic gods. The origins of the Leshii are unrevealed, but speculation is that they could be descended from the Rakshasas, the native demons of the Hindu Pantheon. In other stories, they belonged to a singular race of beings that included the numerous tribes of elves and faeries of Earth, separated only by purpose and function. According to myths, the Leshii were similar to the Satyrs of the the Olympian Gods, frequenting the forests and woodlands of Eastern Europe and bestowing prosperity and bountiful harvest to their worshippers. Although extremely mischievous and known to disorient travelers in the woods, they often befriended farmers and protected cattle. In Russia, it was believed there was only one Leshii at a time protecting a singular patch of woods. However, as the Ancient Slavs accepted Christianity, the Leshii took on more demonic attributes and were feared throughout Ancient Russia, the Balkans and even as far west as Spain.

Possibly due to their lack of worshippers, it is possible the Leshii eventually took on more demonic attributes. In recent years, the deforestation and wiping out of their woodlands in Eastern Europe drove the Leshii from their homelands, possibly inspiring the legends of "bogey-men" and evil spirits of later fairy tales and modern folklore. One unidentified Leshii turned up at the Canton Wax Museum in Canton, Ohio, using it's abilities to alter its form and simulate the idols and role models of visitors as potential victims. After impersonating actor James Dean and former President Abraham Lincoln, the Leshii took the form of heiress Paris Hilton and abducted a teenage girl, only to encounter Sam and Dean Winchester, paranormal adventurers who traveled the country exterminating dangerous supernatural entities.

Height/Weight/Eyes/Hair: Unknown, otherwise Variable

Strength Level: Paris possessed extraordinary but not superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) around 2500 pounds under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Paris possessed the conventional physical attributes of the Leshii, terrestrial beings akin to the faeries of Western Europe, possibly related to the Dievans or Slavic gods. Like all Leshii, she was extremely long-lived, but she was not immortal like the Gods of Olympus. She aged at an extremely slow rate after reaching adulthood and was immune to all Earthly diseases and resistant to conventional injury. If she were somehow wounded, her life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. Paris also possessed extraordinary strength and Leshii metabolism provided her with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Leshii flesh and bone is almost twice as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to their incredible strength, speed and weight.)

Like all Leshii, Paris had extraordinary abilities to shapeshift and change their forms into anything from a blade of glass to a peasant with glowing eyes. This ability appears to be almost entirely mystical, enabling them to shunt or expand their size as they required. Leshii could also manipulate and manipulate probability, causing crops to fail or prosper as per their mortal allegiances.

Due to their demonic natures, the Leshii seem to be dependant on the life energies ("souls") of living things, particularly human beings, in order to maintain their powers, appearance and extended life spans. Although this trait might not be common to all Leshii, Paris acquired the life energies of human beings by consuming the blood or possibly feasting on the flesh of her victims. It is unknown as to how long she could go without feeding on human blood, but she did seem limited to luring her victims by only appearing to her victims in the form of a person from their memories. Although this trait may originally have been a ploy merely to attract victims, it appears to have become a requirement in their process to fulfill her dependence on blood. The full details of her dependency on the blood of others is unrevealed.

Limitations: Like all faeries and related beings, Paris and the Leshii were particularly vulnerable to the natural anathema in iron. Iron could be used to weaken her and fatally injure her.

Comments: This bio describes a Leshii who appeared in the Supernatural TV Series; they have yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.

The requirement Paris has to impersonating the form of a trusted person to attain victims runs parallel to that of the Rakshasas who appeared in the episode "Horror In The Heights" of " Kolchak: The Night Stalker."


Real Name: Pazuzu

Occupation: Demon, former god of pestilence and drought

Legal Status: Non-Entity

Other Aliases: Bringer of Disease, Dark Angel of the Four Winds, Demon of the Southwest Wind, King of the Air Devils, King of the Evil Spirits of the Air, Lord of Fevers and Plagues,

Place Of Birth: Unknown

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Hanbi (father); Aura (possible mother), Kothar, Kur, Lakhamu (possible uncles), Humbaba, Irra, Labasa (brothers), Asakku (brother, deceased), Lamashtu, Alul (sisters), Aehr (uncle), Lilith (possible cousin), Apsu (possible grandfather), Tiamat (possible grandmother), Anshar, Kishar (cousins),

Group Membership: The Gods of Mesopotamia

Base of Operations: Unrevealed, possibly Abaddon, otherwise Mobile

First Appearance: (name only) The Exorcist (1971), (actual) Nightcrawler III #4

History: Pazuzu is a member of group of beings known as the Uttukku. They were descended from an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Anunnaki, a race of beings who were worshipped as gods by the Sumerian and Babylonian Empires of Ancient Mesopotamia. The Uttuku were known as the Isirru to the Babylonians and as the Sebettu to the Assyrians.

The exact relationship of the Uttukku to the Anunnaki is unrevealed. According to the Sumerians, the Uttukku were the children of Anshar (An) and Kishar (Antum), who also sired the Anunnaki. However, in some myths, they are the off-spring of Hanbi, one of the sons of Tiamat and Apsu, the ancestors of the Anunnaki, who they quarreled with for control of Earth. It is known that at some point that the Utukku acquired demon-like traits and started degenerating into demons, becoming feared by mortals who later turned to other gods and religions.

In Sumerian myth, the Uttuku often followed Nergal, the Sumerian god of war, spreading famile, pestilence and disease behind him on the battlefield. Pazuzu was also responsible for keeping other demons in check, keeping them from fully overwhelming Earth and often being invoked to protect humans against plagues and misfortunes. However, during the Babylonian Empire, worship of Pazuzu fell out of favor under the influence of Zoroastrianism which exposed him more as demon. Pazuzu held on to a few worshippers until his religion was fully wiped out by the Early Christian Church. Pazuzu often quarreled with Lamashtu, a female demon who preyed on women and children, for time on Earth. In Christian theology, Pazuzu was also identified as one of fourteen so-called "fallen angels" who supported Lucifer's attempt to conquer Heaven and were exiled to the underworld.

In the wake of his exile to the underworld, Pazuzu's surviving worshippers left behind several amulets and artifacts that had the power of returning him to Earth, although it was also believed that these objects actually held his essence under mystical restrain. In modern years, a priest named Lancester Merrin uncovered a relic that allowed Pazuzu to take physical possession of Regan MacNeil, the daughter of actress Christine MacNeil, through a Ouija board in Washington D.C. 

Father Merrin exorcised the demon and reportedly drove him from Earth, but Pazuzu eventually turned up years later through a mystical sword in Cleveland, Ohio. Sought by a collector named Kenneth Flogg, it was taken into custody by Police Detective Suzanne Pazuzu, who was reportedly the descendant of a priests of Pazuzu.

A year later, Pazuzu was again invoked on Earth by Dr. Louis Childs of the Metropolitan General Hospital, who was high priest of a dark magic coven in New York City seeking mystical power. Once more taking control of a child, Pazuzu quarreled with Nightcrawler of the X-Men and was subsequently driven from the child's body into a clay figurine. The jar was taken into custody by Illyana Rasputin, the sister of Colossus of the X-Men, who placed it in hiding.

Height: 20' 0"
Weight: 674 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: None

Unusual Physical Features: Pazuzu often appears on Earth as a man with the head of a lion, eagle-like talon-like feet, two pairs of wings and a scorpion's tail.

Strength Level: Unknown.

Known Superhuman Powers: Pazuzu is a Class Two demon possessing analogous physical attributes to the Anunnaki or Gods of Mesopotamia. Like the Anunnaki, Pazuzu is extremely long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Gods of Olympus. Using mystical means to preserve his existence, specifically the life energies of living things, he has ceased to age upon reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Pazuzu also possesses superhuman strength and endurance; his Utukki metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities.

Pazuzu has several abilities to tap into and manipulate occult energies, although several of these abilities are yet to be demonstrated. In Ancient Sumeria, he could fly and control winds to spread disease and pestilence. However, in modern years, his power has been severely reduced without a physical form. In spirit form, he can take over the mind and physical form of living things, particularly human beings, in a process known as possession, forcing the mind and consciousness of that person into a dormant semi-dreamless state. Physical characteristics of possession include clouding over of the eyes, physical distortions of the skin and musculature and extreme coldness as Pazuzu absorbs ambient energies from the area around him. However, in physical form, Pazuzu often appears as a large humanoid being with the ability to procure the life energies ("souls") of human beings, giving him complete control over his victims, reducing them into mindless obedient slaves. However, it is uncertain as to where his power ranks in comparison against demons as powerful as Ravanna or Mephisto.

Comments: This bio describes Pazuzu as he has appeared in the Marvel Universe and in "The Exorcist." It is not known if he has appeared in DC Comics.

In Sumerian myth, Anu, Chief of the Sumerian Gods, is called the father of the Sebettu, but by which goddess is unrevealed. Aura, sister of Aehr, is a likely candidate, but only because Aehr is the reputed father of Lilith and her sisters. Lilith ruled a region of the underworld set aside for evil spirits called the Edimmu. Their counterparts were the Shedu, benevolent spirits of fortune and good luck. The Persian versions of the Shedu were called djinni (genies).


Demons by Pantheon:

Olympian (Greek/Roman) - The Empusa

Asgardian (Norse-Germanic) - The Dokkalfar ("Dark Elves")

Ennead (Egyptian) - The Djay/Djinni

Anunnaki (Mesopotamian) - The Utukku/Sebbetu/Shedu

Devas (Hindu) - The Rakshasas

Xian (Chinese) - The Yao-guza

Kami (Japanese) - The Oni

Coatli (Aztec/Mayan) - The Tzitzmime

Yanatamca (Incan/South American) - The Guecufu

Danaan (Celtic/Gaelic) - The Puca/Pooka

Dievans (Slavic) - The Dasun

Kalevalans (Finno-Ugrians) - The Hiisi

Anasazi (Native American) - The Anaye

Atua/Kahunas (Oceanic) - The Tipua

Orishas/Loa (African) - The Ngwore

Last updated: 03/14/14

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