Real Name: Boreas
Occupation: God of the north wind, Tutelary god of Megalopolis
Legal Status: Citizen of Olympus
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Boreas except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: Aquilo (Roman name)
Place of Birth: Unrevealed, possibly Olympus
Marital Status: possibly Widowed
Known Relatives: Astraeus (father), Aurora (mother), Notus, Eurus, Zephyros (brothers), Oreithyia (wife, possibly deceased), Zetes, Calais (sons, deceased), Cleopatra, Chione (daughters), Phineus (son-in-law, deceased), Eumolpus (grandson, deceased)
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Olympus
Base of Operations: Sarpedon's Rock in ancient Thrace (now part of modern Greece)
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #621
History: Boreas is a member of the Anemoi, a group of beings related to the Olympians, an extra-dimensional race of beings who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Descended from the Titans, the Anemoi ruled over the cardinal points of the Ancient Greeks and possessed elemental powers connected to the sky. Boreas presided in the ancient region of Thrace and controlled the winds coming from the north. He was included in the worship of the Olympian Gods, but he was considered lesser in importance than more powerful gods like Zeus and Poseidon.
According to ancient myths, Boreas fell in love and courted the Athenian princess, Oreithyia, in the 14th Century. Due to the hostility between the Athenians and the Thracians, the people of Athens didn't approve of the courtship and Boreas abducted her to be his wife. She conceived him the demigods, Zetes and Calais, who became Argonauts, and two daughters, Cleopatra and Chione, who conceived a son, Eumolpus, to Poseidon, who also became one of the Argonauts. As compensation for his daughter, Boreas gave King Erechtheus a team of horses. Generations later, Boreas settled the score between Athens and Thrace by destroying invading Persian ships.
Since the Olympians withdrew their worship from Earth, Boreas has relocated to Olympus, but whether he still returns to Earth is unrevealed. In recent years, Boreas fought the Hulk trying to invade Olympus.

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 525 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Unusual Physical Features: Boreas has two wings coming from his back with a wingspan of twenty-five feet.
Strength Level: Boreas possesses the normal regular strength level of an Olympian male of his size, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercises; he can lift (press) around 50 tons around optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Boreas possesses the conventional powers of the Olympian gods including superhuman strength,
stamina, endurance, immortality and resistance to injury. He also has the ability to tap into and manipulate elemental energies, particularly in channeling and controlling the wind, enabling him to whip up snowstorms capable of freezing  everything in an impenetrable sheet of ice. He can also fly through the sky at sub-sonic speeds with remarkable maneuverability.  


Real Name: Eleuthera (her Greek name)
Occupation: Goddess of liberty, tutelary goddess of the United States of America 
Legal Status: Citizen of Olympus
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Columbia except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: Libertas (her Roman name), Lady Liberty
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Oceanus (father), Tethys (mother), Calypso, Metis and the Oceanides (sisters), 
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Olympus
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, possibly Olympus
First Appearance: Columbia has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.
History: Columbia is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Olympians, who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. She was the daughter of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys, who supported Zeus, the King of the Gods, in overthrowing Cronus. As Eleuthera, she may have been the eponym of the town of Eleuthera between Athens and Thebes which served as the resting place of the heroes, Amphion and Zethus. She was a follower of the goddess, Artemis, and took a vow of chastity for her. During the Roman Empire, she was worshipped as Libertas, goddess of liberty. The Roman Emperor Tiberius ordered her first temple at the Hill of Aventine to protect Rome, and since then, she has been the protector of liberty in Western Culture, particularly in the United States where Freemasons called her Columbia after explorer Christopher Columbus. The protector of the early government of the United States, Columbia became the female personification of the United States, contrary to Uncle Sam, who personified the United States Government itself, while lending her likeness to the Statue of Liberty. According to modern folklore, Columbia protects the freedom of Americans at home and abroad as well as serving as a beacon to immigrants to the United States.

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 350 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Strength Level: Columbia possesses the normal strength level of an Olympian goddess of her size height and build who engaged in extensive regular exercises; she can lift (press) around 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Columbia possesses the conventional powers and attributes of the Olympian gods including superhuman strength, vitality, endurance, resistance to injury and a long-life enchantment. She has ceased to age since reaching adulthood and cannot be harmed by any known weapons. She also has mystical powers of an undefined nature allowing her to fly, remain invisible to mortals while casting her voice, cast spells affecting the probability of others ("good luck") and possibly other abilities she has yet to reveal.


Real Name: Eir
Occupation: Goddess of healing, patron goddess of physicians
Legal Status: Citizen of Asgard
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Eir except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: Eil, Eira, Eyr, Eyra (name variants)
Place of Birth: Unknown, possibly Asgard
Marital Status: None
Known RelativesOdin (possible father), Menglad, Hlif, Hlifthrasa, Bjort, Blid, Frid, Aurboda (sisters), Brynhilda and the Valkyries (possible half-sisters),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Asgard
Base of Operations: Asgard, formerly Lyfjaberg Hill near Bergen, Germany
First Appearance: Thor: The Dark World (2013)
History: Eir is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Asgardians, who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Germans and Scandinavians. Not much is known about her. According to some accounts, she was once one of the Valkyries, better known as the Choosers of the Slain, later retreating to the hill of Lyfjaberg with her sisters where she taught the art of medicine to women who sought her out. She was also one of the attendants of Frigga, the Queen of the Gods. Surviving the various cycles of rebirth and destruction of Asgard, she was called upon by Thor to diagnose Jane Foster possessed by the ethereal energies of the Aether.

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 350 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Eir possesses the normal strength level of an Asgardian goddess of her size, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercises; she can lift (press) around 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Eir possesses the conventional powers and attributes of the Asgardian gods including superhuman strength, vitality, endurance, resistance to injury and a long-life enchantment, but she is not a true immortal like the Olympian gods. She ages at an extremely slow rate, but she is not immune to the effects of old age. She also has empathic and healing abilities to mentally perceive illnesses and injuries and restore others to full health.


Real Name: Metis
Occupation: Goddess of prudence 
Legal Status: Citizen of Olympus
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Metis except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Married
Known RelativesOceanus (father), Tethys (mother), Zeus (husband), Athena (daughter)
Group Affiliation: Gods of Olympus
Base of Operations: Olympus, formerly Tritonis, Libya
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #621 (flashback)
History: Metis is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Olympians, who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. She was the daughter of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys, who supported Zeus, the King of the Gods, in overthrowing Cronus. (According to other myths, they merely remained neutral to the war in order to retain worship rites.) Zeus took Metis as his first wife, but a prophecy predicted that any child of Metis would grow to overthrow him as he had overthrown Cronus. According to myths, Metis tried to elude Zeus by turning herself into a fly which Zeus then swallowed and she remained alive inside him, siring a daughter named Athena who sprang fully formed from Zeus's head. However, this story may be apocryphal since other stories claim that Athena was raised as a child in the court of King Triton in Libya. Not much is known of Metis after the birth of Athena, but she was known to have great wisdom over the gods and may have presided over the Oracle of Zeus in Libya.

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 360 lbs.
Eyes: Brown 
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Metis possesses the normal strength level of an Olympian goddess of her size height and build who engaged in extensive regular exercises; she can lift (press) around 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Metis possesses the conventional powers and attributes of the Olympian gods including superhuman strength, vitality, endurance, resistance to injury and a long-life enchantment. She has ceased to age since reaching adulthood and cannot be harmed by any known weapons. She is also immune to disease. She also has advanced clairvoyant and undefined precognitive abilities as well as the ability to shapeshift into various animal forms.


Real Name: Phorcys
Occupation: God of the sea
Legal Status: Citizen of Olympus
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Boreas except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: Phorkus, Phorkys (name variants)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Pontus (father), Gaea (mother), Nereus, Thaumes (brothers), Eurybia (sister), Ceto (wife/sister), The Gorgons (Medusa,
Stheno, Euryale - daughters, deceased), The Graiae (Deinos, Enyo, Pephredo - sisters),  Chrysaor, Orion (grandsons), Callirrhoe (daughter-in-law), Geryon (grandson, deceased), Echidna (grand-daughter, deceased), Scylla (daughter by Cratais),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Olympus
Base of Operations: Atlanta, Georgia, previously somewhere in the Ionian Sea west of Greece
First Appearance: "Percy Jackson: The Mask of Athena" by Richard Riordan (2012)
History: Phorcys is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings related to the Olympians, a race of beings once worshipped as gods by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Although their worship rites seem to predate the Olympian gods, they were not technically members of the Titans, the first generation of the Olympian Gods. Two of Phorcys' brothers, Nereus and Thaumes, took wives from among the daughters of the Titan, Oceanus, the god of the sea. Phorcys took the goddess, Ceto, as his wife and sired the Phorcydes, who later became known as the Gorgons and the Graiae. He also sired Scylla, through Cratais, one of the Oceanides, who served as a Priestess to Hecate. (According to some myths, Scylla is the daughter of Phorcys and Hecate. His descendants, Echidna and Ladon are also sometimes counted among his children.)
After Zeus conquered Olympus, Phorcys was supplanted as god of the sea by Poseidon and retreated to the Ionian Sea where he still had worshippers. A minor deity among the Greeks, he seems to have represented shellfish due to his nature to appear as a humanoid crab while Ceto represented marine mammals as the whale-goddess. Not much is known about his activities over the millennia, but at some point, he started masquerading as a mortal man in order to open the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia where he housed strange and exotic species of marine life. He tried to imprison the demigod Percy Jackson in his aquatic zoo, but the young hero managed to escape him.

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 480 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None (formerly Blonde)
Strength Level: Phorcys possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) around 25 tons under optimal conditions although his strength might have been considerable greater in his youth.
Known Superhuman Powers: Phorcys possesses the conventional powers and attributes of the Olympian gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to injury and a long-life enchantment. He is far more powerful in the ocean than he is on land and can command marine life, channel tide waves and survive the crushing depths of the sea. He also has several abilities to shapeshift his form to switch between his human form and a humanoid crab. His powers may be on par with Poseidon or Oceanus.
Note: Phorcys is not to be confused with Phorcys, an Elder God and spawn of Set who fought Hercules and the Agents of Atlas in "X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas #2."


Real Name: Serket (Selkhet is the name she received from the Greeks)
Occupation: Goddess of bites and poison, patron goddess of embalmers
Legal Status: Citizen of Heliopolis
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Selkhet except as a mythological character.
Other Aliases: Serket, Selket, Selcis, Selchis, Selkis, Selqet, Serqet (name variants), Scorpion-goddess
Place of Birth: possibly Amarna, Egypt
Marital Status: Married
Known RelativesKhnum-Ra (father), Neith (mother), Thoth, Sebek (brothers), Hathor (sister), Horus (husband), Nehebkau (son),
Group Affiliation:  The Gods of Egypt
Base of Operations: Abydos
First Appearance: "Carter Kane: The Red Pyramid" by Richard Riordan (2010)
History: Selkhet is a member of a extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Ennead who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Egyptians. One of several gods who protected the spirits of the dead as they entered the afterlife, she was personified on Earth by the scorpion, guarding the canopic jars holding the viscera of the dead. She was also take as a wife by Horus, the sun-god, giving birth to Nehebkau, the snake-god who protected the underworld.
Around 30 BC, Selkhet was one of several gods who supported Seth in overthrowing Osiris and conquering Duat, the Egyptian Afterlife. Seth was later defeated in recent years by the Asgardian god Thor, but Selkhet remained faithful to Seth, later clashing with the demigod Carter Kane. 

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 340 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Selkhet possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) around 30 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Selkhet possesses the conventional powers and attributes of the Egyptian gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to injury and a long-life enchantment. She has ceased to age since reaching adulthood and cannot be harmed by any known weapons. She is stronger, faster and more agile than most of the Egyptian gods, able to make moves and gestures with greater speed than any other Egyptian goddess. She is also immune to disease.

Last updated: 11/16/16

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