Real Name:
Goddess of food and the harvest
Legal Status:
Citizen of Celestial Hawaiki
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Haumea except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases:
Haumia (alternate spelling), Lewalevu (Polynesian name), Avatea (Hervey name),
Tu-Metua (Cook Islands)
Place of Birth:
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives:
Rangi (father), Gaea
(mother, alias Papa), Tame
(brother/husband), Tangaroa,
Lono, Tawhaki (brothers), Pele,
Polivah, Hiiaka. Laka,
Tara, Kapo (daughters), Kamapua'a, Kaneapua,
Kamahoali (sons), Kane Milohai, Kai-Tangata (step-sons), Hina-hau-one, Mahuike
(step-daughters), Oro, Losi, Fue, Tama, Marama (nephews),
Hina, Arahuta, Atarapa
(nieces), Maui
Group Affiliations: The Oceanic Gods
Base of Operations:
First Appearance: (behind the scenes) Thor I #301
History: Haumea is one of an extra-dimensional race of beings worshipped as gods by the Oceanic aborigines of the Pacific Ocean and known as the Atua by the Ancient Polynesians and as the Kahunas by the modern Hawaiians. She is the daughter of the primeval sky-father Ranginui who fell in love with Gaea, the ancient earth-mother, known as Papatuanuku to her mortal worshippers in the Polynesian Islands. Rangi so loved Papa that he held her in a crushing embrace and refused to let her go, their love-making producing darkness and clouds to appear on earth in the form of eternal night. Their sons made several efforts to separate them into allowing light into the world, but it wasn't until the young god, Tame, shattered the earth with an axe that produced an effect. In doing so, Tame became ruler of the Oceanic gods and he took Haumea to be his wife.
According to one myth, Haumea was originally a male god named Haumia-tiketike who was slain by Tawhaki, the thunder-god. Haumia-tiketike was the god of uncultivated food, and the twin brother of Rongo, the god of cultivated food. When Tame succeeded in separating Rangi and Papa, the heavens cracked with thunder and lightning, and Tawhaki tried to slay his brothers from separating heaven and Earth. Haumia-tiketike was slain just before Ku defeated Tawhaki, but Gaea, in her role as the Polynesian mother-goddess Papa, gave birth to him once more as a goddess name Tu-Metua. In later myths, Tu-Metua became Haumea, the goddess of food, and wife of Tame.
Haumea was one of the most favored of the Hawaiian gods. She was honored by her female worshippers for introducing childbirth to save them from being cut open and she ensured successful fertility of the earth. Haumea was assisted in this task through the help of the Menehunes, a race of beings native to the cosmology of the Oceanic gods akin to the Light Elves of Alfheim in the Asgardian dimension. Haumea was also prone to taking mortal lovers and descended to earth to sleep with men, even her own grandsons and descendants. Her most favored lover besides Tame was the Maori warrior named Vakea.
Around 1000 AD, Haumea was approached to gather with the mother-goddesses of the other pantheons of gods once worshipped by mortals on earth. They joined together to collect twelve human beings of pure genetic potential to serve as prime examples of humanity to the Fourth Host of the Celestials. This gathering of human beings would become known as the Young Gods. Haumea's candidate into the group was a Polynesian waif named Mira who lived on Ruk Island in 1405 AD. Mira later became the Young God named Varua and was accepted by the Celestials to represent the potential of all human beings.
Haumea is still worshipped as a goddess today, but she doesn't
have neatly the same amount of worshippers as she had in ancient times. She is
frequently invoked by her Hawaiian worshippers.
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 485 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Haumea possesses the normal strength level of a female
Oceanic god of her size, height and build who engages in extensive regular
exercises, but to an unknown degree.
Known Superhuman Powers: Haumea possesses the conventional physical attributes
of the Kahunas or Oceanic gods. Like all Kahunas, she is exceptionally
long-lived, but she not immortal like the
of Olympus. She has aged at an extremely slow rate since
reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. She is immune to all
Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If she were somehow
wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It
would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her
bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for
a god of significant power, such as Tame, Tangaroa or Tu or for a number of
Oceanic gods of equal power working together to revive her. Haumea also possesses
superhuman strength and her Kahuna metabolism provides her with far greater than
human endurance in all physical activities. (Kahuna flesh and bone is about three
times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman
strength and weight of the Oceanic gods.)
Haumea also has several powers mystical in nature tied to the
self-renewing energy of the earth. She can draw upon plants to renew her
energies to produce drought or donate energy for renewal. She can alter her
appearance to appear as a young female, mystically create food from nothingness
and cast her voice or likeness from the earth. She has little power over weather
or the animals of the earth. Although more powerful than most Oceanic goddesses,
her level of power is still below that of Tame or Tangaroa.
Comments: This bio involves Haumea as she would exist in the Marvel
Universe; neither she or any of the Oceanic gods have yet been depicted in
Marvel or DC
Last updated: 03/10/14