Real Name: Hunah-puutiu

Occupation: Warrior, god of the hunt

Legal Status: Citizen of the Mayan Empire

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Hunahpu except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: Qaholom (Olmec name), Cajolom (Quiche name)

Place of Birth: possibly Uxmal (now part of modern Muna, Mexico)

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Hun-Hunahpu (father), Xquiq (mother), Xbalanque, Hunbatz, Hunchouen (brothers), Vukub Came (uncle), Cabraca, Zipacna (cousin, deceased), Xpiyacoc (grandfather), Xmucame (grandfather), Itzamna, Tonacatecuhtli (grand-uncles), Ixchel, Tonacacihuatl (grand-aunts), Hunab-Ku (great-grandfather), Gaea (great-grandmother, alias Coatlique),

Group AffiliationsThe Gods of Mexico

Base of Operations: Unrevealed, possibly Omeyocan, possibly Uxmal in Sixteenth Century BC Mexico

First Appearance: Hunahpu has yet to to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.

History: Hunahpu is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Coatli, who were worshipped as gods by the ancient Aztec and Mayan tribes of Central America. According to ancient myths, the Coatli are descended from a primeval sky-god named Hunab-Ku, who was described as so immense that he could not attain a physical form. Hunab-Ku was seduced by Gaea, the innate spirit of earth, who sired him several children. Among them, Itzamna became ruler of the gods, and his sons Tepeu, Gucumatz and Huracan discovered the lands of the Yucatan (modern Mexico) where they would rule. (In some myths, Tepeu, Gucumatz and Huracan actually caused the ocean to recede to expose the land. The veracity of these myths is uncertain.) 

According to myths, Tepeu, Gucumatz and Huracan created animals, but since these creatures could not worship them as gods, they then decided to make mankind. They first used the soil of the Earth to create men, but these beings were imperfect and they washed them away. During the flood, their brother, Tochipa, concealed his daughter in a hollow log, her descendants becoming the Mojave Indians.

Tepeu, Gucumatz and Huracan then called on the gods Xpiyacoc and Xmucame to help create men from wood, but these beings lacked intelligence and were driven away by birds and became monkeys. At Tulai Zuiva, the Place of Seven Caves And Seven Ravines, the gods finally created mankind from maize (corn) and breathed life into them. The names of these people were Balam Agab, Balam Quitze, Iqi Balam and Mahucutah. (These are their Mayan names; in Aztec tradition, the first couples are named Oxomoco and his wife, Cipactonal, and Xochihuacan and his wife, Tlaltecuin.) Xpiyacoc sent his son, Hunah-ahpu, to rule over them as king, but they soon realized these beings were too perfect, and they rendered them mortal, sending them forth from Xibalba through Tulai Zuiva to Earth, each of them carrying a respective balam (idol) representing their patron gods. These people later founded the Mayan Empire. (Another myth claims that Oxomoco and Xochihucan are actually refugees from the island of Aztlan, associated with the mythical land of Atlantis. While the legends of creation between the Mayans and Aztecs are almost parallel, the Aztecs do report details and incidents missing from the Mayan accounts. It is uncertain if these claims are factual or efforts to render their cultures dissimilar.)

The Mayans founded several cities, but most of their culture was based at cities such as Uxmal and Palenque. Hunah-ahpu eventually took a mortal bride, Xquiq, and sired four sons, each of whom were twins. The eldest twins, Hunbatz and Hunchouen, were extremely jealous of their younger brothers, the twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque, who turned out to be adept in magic. Using their magic, Hunahpu and Xbalanque attacked and subsequently slew the giant Vukub-Caquiz who had once terrorized mankind, and after his death, they also slew his sons, Zipacna and Cabraca, seeking vengeance. After failing to trap Zipacna, they lured him into a ravine and buried him under a landslide then simply poisoned Cabraca with his favorite food. Hunbatz and Hunchouen, however, soon became sullen and lazy as a result in their brothers' presence. When Hunahpu and Xbalanque heard their older brothers plotting to kill them, they transformed them into monkeys and exiled them from home. 

Hunah-ahpu and his brother, Vukub-ahpu, were also champions of a ball-game known as tlachtli and played such incredible games that the Mayan gods often came to watch. The loud sounds of their playing eventually roused the Lords of Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, who dared the brothers to a game. Although Xibalba was where the gods had created mankind, it had since become home of the land of the dead where the spirits of the dead returned after death. Once they were in Xibalba, they were met with a series of trials, each one more daunting to than the last. Failing to keep their torches lit in the House of Gloom, they lost their lives and had their detached skulls mounted to warn the living from entering the underworld.

Hunahpu and Xbalanque decided to avenge their father by invading Xibalba, but suspecting a dire fate, Hunahpu met with two wizards named Xulu and Bacam who instructed the brothers to planted two reeds in their mother's house that protected their life-forces from Earth as long as they remained alive. Hunahpu and Xbalanque then set out for Xibalba, but unlike their father and uncle, they sent a small bird ahead to distract the Lords of Xibalba and learn their names to be better prepared to meet them. They also learned the path through Xibalba lead through a series of houses with traps and creatures designed to take the lives of invaders to the underworld. When Hunahpu and Xbalanque arrived, the Lords offered the two brothers stone thrones to sit and rest. The thrones were known to severely burn all who sat within them, but  Hunahpu and Xbalanque politely refused to keep from being burned.

Hunahpu and Xbalanque were eventually sent to the House of Gloom, where they were instructed to keep their torches lit to show their way. This was where they father and uncle had lost their lives, but the brothers preserved their torches with painted flames to escape unscathed. In the House of Lances, they were supposed to tame the spirits of the room with flowers from Earth, but Hunahpu and Xbalanque tamed the spirits by offering them the flesh of all the animals on Earth then enchanting ants to bring them flowers from their father's garden on Earth.

In each house, Hunahpu and Xbalanque used their wits and mystical powers to survive. They survived in the House of Ice by lighting pine cones and in the House of Tigers by tossing bones to the ravenous tigers. Passing unharmed through the House of Fire, they arrived at the House of Bats where Hunahpu briefly lifted his head to see where they were going and had it bitten off by Camazotz, the bat-god. Xbalanque quickly restored him to life by using the animals of Earth to distract the Lords of Xibalba and restore his brother's head. 

Realizing they would be condemned to death for surviving each house, Hunahpu and Xbalanque willingly gave their lives on a funeral pyre. Afterward, their ashes were cast to the ocean, but either because they had willingly given their lives or because of their earlier spells, they returned to life and emerged a few days later from the sea as two fishermen. Surprising the Lords of Xibalba, Hunahpu and Xbalanque turned themselves to flame once more, and burned up all of Xibalba and themselves, restoring each other to death once more. Two of the lords, Hun Came and Vukub Came (who may or may not have been the spirits of their father and uncle), survived and remained in Xibalba to watch over the spirits of the dead. Returning to Earth, Hunahpu and Xbalanque returned their father and uncle's remains to honored places on Earth. (In later myths, it is claimed that Hunahpu and Xbalanque used their skulls to create the sun and the moon.)

Not much is known of Hunahpu and Xbalanque's activities afterward. It is believed they succeeded Hun-hunahpu as rulers of the Mayan Empire and became gods afterward among the Gods of the Mayans, but their empire became so vast that conflict between their tribes allowed the Aztecs to take over the Yucatan and much of what is now modern Mexico. Several of the Mayan gods also became gods in the Aztec Empire, such as Tepeu, who became known as Chac and then Tlaloc to the Aztecs. 

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 425 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Hunahpu possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 50 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Hunahpu possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Coatli or Gods of Mexico. Like all Mexican Gods, he is exceptionally long-lived, but he is not immortal. Using mystical means to preserve his youth and vitality, he has aged at an extremely slow rate since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Itzamna, or for a number of Mayan gods of equal power working together to revive him. Hunahpu also possesses superhuman strength and his Coatli metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Coatli flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Gods of Mexico.)

Hunahpu also has some ability to tap into and manipulate mystical energies for various effects. It is known that he can call upon and communicate with animals, such as deer, rabbits, turtles and ants, giving them instructions and mentally controlling them to perform incredible tasks, but he can also link his life-force with the Earthly dimension and stave off severe injury and death. He can also conjure extreme light and heat from his hands for various effects. Although immune to burning, he can generate so much heat to appear as a small sun and complete incinerate himself, but his life force is powerful enough that his spirit can subsequently "regenerate" his physical form without any last effects. Although not nearly as powerful as gods like Itzamna or Tezcatlipoca, his full range of power is unrevealed.

Abilities: Hunahpu is an exceptional warrior and hunter proficient with a dagger and bow and arrow. He is also a clever and gifted fighter trained in unarmed combat. He is also an accomplished tlachtli player.

Comments: Hunahpu has yet to appear in the Marvel or the DC Universe.

In Mayan myth, Xibalba is ruled over by twelve judges named Hun Came, Vukub Came, Ahalcana, Ahalpuh, Chamiabak, Chamiaholom, Cuchumaqiq, Patan, Quigre, Quiqrigag, Quiqxil and Xiqirpiat who watch over mortals crossing over into the afterlife. Theoretically, they could actually be previous mortal Mayan kings, which would make Hun-Hunahpu the latest in this lineage rather than the first. In Aztec myth, they are overthrown by Ahpuch who becomes god of the dead.

Clarifications: Hunahpu is not to be confused with:

Last updated: 05/20/13

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