Real Name: Andrea Thomas

Occupation: Archaeologist, High School Science Teacher

Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Identity: Secret

Other Aliases: None

Place of Birth: Unrevealed

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Viola Thomas (mother)

Group Affiliation: Freedom Force

Base Of Operations: Los Angeles, California

First Appearance: The Secrets of Isis (TV-series) (Episode: “The Lights of Secret Mountain”)

Origin: Isis I #7

History: Andrea Thomas is an American archaeologist and  a high school science teacher who worked at Larkspur High School in Los Angeles, California. In addition to her responsibilities as a high school teacher, she also worked as an Egyptian scholar on several archaeological digs in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. As a teacher, she was friends with science teacher Rick Mason and a mentor to students Cindy Lee and Renee Carroll. Her absences from her teaching duties to go on digs in Egypt were permitted by principal Dr. Simon Barnes.

Eventually, Andrea was invited to do excavations in ruins near the tomb of Queen Hatshephut in the Valley of the Kings. In the ruins, she discovered an amulet tiara buried deep in the wall of a Temple of Isis deep within a cave under Hatshephut’s burial tomb. Although she placed it with the other relics, she felt continually drawn to it, and late that night, she felt compelled to wear it. Upon doing so, she was stunned to realize she had gained the knowledge and understanding to read the hieroglyphics on the scroll that came with it. The scroll read that by wearing the scroll and calling upon Isis, she could become the mortal avatar of Isis and become endowed by her powers. Compelled by the Egyptian magic, Andrea called upon Isis and mystical transformed in identity and appearance into a reborn version of Isis.

Back in Los Angeles, Andrea used her new identity and powers to battle local criminals and look over the safety and welfare of her students. She also battled costumed criminals such as the Scarab as well as the god Seth and the sorcerer, Serpentopep, who revealed to her how Hatshephut had used the tiara to battle him in the ancient past. Isis also became friends and allies with Captain Marvel, who like her was the chosen champion of the Olympian gods. During her time as Isis, Rick, Renee and Cindy never managed to figure out her secret identity, although at times, Rick certainly had his suspicions.

For a short time, Isis became Captain Marvel’s proxy in Freedom Force, four heroes brought together by Merlin from four alternate realities to serve as his champions in the Valley of Time, a other-dimensional realm populated with people who had been lost in time and space. As Captain Marvel felt he couldn’t abandon his duties in Fawcett City, Isis became his replacement, joined by the legendary sailor Sinbad, the Silver Samurai from one reality and Hercules of the Space Sentinels reality. Operating out of a pyramid in the Valley of Time, Isis and the group defended the land from the threat of Draconus and the Dragon Riders, who sought to conquer it.

At some point, Isis was returned to Earth and reunited with Captain Marvel. She battled  Serpenotep a few more times and several other threats, sometimes helped by Captain Marvel. However, unable to explain her long absences to Principal Barnes due to her heroics, she eventually gave up her true identity, preferring a life of adventure over one of academia.

Her later whereabouts are unrevealed. Captain Marvel’s past was subsequently altered due to the effects of the Crisis of Infinite Events, and it is unclear if he remembers his adventures with Isis. Some years later, the Flash’s travels through time accidentally created a parallel world known as Prime Earth which pulled in the denizens of two other alternate earths. In this reality, Isis was a native of Kahndaq named Adrianna Tomas.

Despite this alternate reality, the revised timeline created by the Crisis still existed with the original Captain Marvel. It is unrevealed if Andrea Thomas as Isis still exists, her whereabouts are unrevealed.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

Strength Level: Andrea Thomas possesses the normal human strength level of a woman of her size, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercises. As Isis, she has superhuman strength but to an unknown degree. In her divine form, it is possible she can lift (press) around 2500 pounds under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Isis possesses the powers and attributes on the Ennead (Egyptian gods), such as superhuman strength, speed, agility and stamina, drawn from the Amulet of Hatshepsut. In her divine form, she is stronger, faster and immune to fatigue. She can run at speeds up to fifty miles per hour and perform incredible gymnastic skills which she can use in her fighting skills. She is also bullet proof and immune to physical harm.

Isis can also tap and manipulate the forces of magic through the use of various incantations endowed upon her. For most among these is the spell that transforms Andrea Thomas into Isis. Without it, she is a normal human woman; it is unknown if she has a psychic link with it, or if it could be manipulated by another person, but by using it and calling upon Isis, she can transform her appearance and attire into that of Isis, complete with her powers and abilities. As Isis, she also has the mentality and wisdom of the goddess, such as an ability to read and understand ancient hieroglyphics. When she transforms back to Andrea, theses powers and abilities are withdrawn back into the amulet.

Among her other abilities are psychokinetic and telekinetic abilities, allowing her to move objects with her mind and affect the probability of events to happen within her line of sight. She also has clairvoyant abilities to see events beyond herself, usually activities with people she knows. This power is most adept with individuals she regularly encounters and has emotional ties, such as Mason and her students. She also has a psychic bond with animals and wildlife, giving her the ability to commune and communicate with wild and domesticated animals, from dogs and horses to eagles and deer.

Isis also has mystical command over the weather and nature, giving her the ability to control the wind and weather. She can use this ability to fly through the air by levitating herself and mentally using wind currents to guide and carry her around, reaching speeds up to 120-150 miles per hour and heights of 12,000 feet (the height of most birds).

Abilities: Andrea Thomas is a trained and accomplished archaeologist and science teacher with a degree in chemistry.

Weapons/Paraphernalia: Isis derives her magical abilities from the Amulet of Hatshephut, a mystical talisman created by the wizard Shazam. Composed of Egyptian gold around a sandstone gem, it is endowed with mystical abilities that enable Andrea Thomas to transform herself into Isis, in which form she can tap into command the full powers of the amulet.

According to its known history, the amulet was created by Shazam while he was being held prisoner by the sorcerer, Serpentohep, a disciple of Seth attempting to conquer Upper Egypt around 2000 BC. Under the tutelage of the goddess, Isis, Shazam enchanted a discarded amulet and placed it in a tiara which he granted to a young servant. Endowed by the power of the amulet, the young servant battled and imprisoned Serpentohep, and Upper and Lower Egypt were instead reunited by Theban king Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II.

In the mid-1500 BC, the amulet passed to Queen Hatshephut who used it to maintain a beneficent rule of Egypt. It then passed through her descendants for a few centuries until the family line died out, and it was hidden away near the tomb of Queen Hatshephut where it was found by Andrea Thomas.

Pets: Andrea Thomas owns a pet crow which she calls Tut after the pharaonic ruler King Tutankhamen. As Isis, she can communicate with Tut, making him an ally in her adventures. 

Comments: The bio describes the Isis of the 1970s Filmation live-action "Shazam/Isis Action Hour," incorporating her DC Comics appearances and the "Freedom Fighters" animated series, also from Filmation Studios.

Clarifications: Isis is not to be confused with:

Last updated: 12/02/23

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