Official Names: The Kahunas
Nicknames: Oceanic gods, Polynesian gods, Gods of Polynesia, Gods of Fiji, Hawaiian gods, Gods of Hawaii, Aborigine gods, et al.
Former Aliases: The Atua/Akua
Other Current Aliases: None known
First Appearance: Thor #300


Dimension of Origin: Celestial Hawaiki
Habitat: Tropical
Gravity: Earth-like
Atmosphere: Earth-like
Population: 300-500 range
Other Associated Dimensions: Celestial Hawaiki is a large land mass floating in inter-dimensional space resembling an asteroid with a large island surrounded by sea and experiencing periods of night and day. It is protected by an unexplained force which keeps the other edges from eroding and its seas from completely vanishing; these seas dimensionally interfaced with different regions of the Pacific Ocean on earth. Celestial Bullima, a gathering place for a branch of the Oceanic gods worshipped by the Australian aborigines may be a part of this land mass or a separate realm altogether. There is also the underworld of Po, the land of the dead set aside for the shades of mortals who have died. 


The Oceanic gods are a race of superhumanly powerful humanoid beings comprised of two separate pantheons of gods, namely the Kahunas, worshipped by the ancient Polynesian and Maori tribes of Polynesia and Hawaii and the Wondjina, worshipped by the aborigine tribes of Australia and its out-lying islands since around 2000 BC into recent times. The Ancient Polynesians identified their gods as the Atua or Akua, but they were later identified as the Kahunas by the native Hawaiians. The exact connection between the Polynesian and Australian gods is rather undefined, but some connection exists between the two groups suggesting they share a common ancestry. It is known that several Oceanic gods such as Daquwada and Tawhaki have worshippers in both Polynesia and the islands of New Zealand off the east coast of Australia. While the Australia gods are typically confined to their Australian worshippers, the Maori people carried their gods throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean the east coast of Australia.

The Kahunas or Hawaiian gods dwell in Celestial Hawaiki, a small "pocket" dimension adjacent to Earth; an interdimensional nexus possibly exists between Hawaiki and Earth on the island of Raiatea near Samoa in French Polynesia. which may be part of the Maori cosmology of worlds including Po, the underworld reserved for the land of the dead.
The Kahunas' human worshippers in Polynesia called these gods by different names than those by which the gods were known in the later Hawaiian Islands: for example, the Polynesians called the king of the gods Kame or Kane, whereas the Hawaiians called him Tame. The Australian gods, however, dwell in Tuniruna ("upper world"), alternately known as Bullima ("meeting place") connected to Ayer's Rock (also known as Uluru) in a remote part of Australia's Northern Territory, but they once existed on Earth in the distant past alongside their worshippers. The shades of their ancestors retreated at death to the realm of Purelko, the aborigine name of Beralku, the land their ancestors came from and retreated to after their time on Earth ended. The Oceanic gods are still worshipped on earth through the Pacific Islands, most notably in Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia and New Zealand, but they no longer traffic earth as much as they once did in ancient times.

The precise origin of the Oceanic gods, like that of all of Earth's pantheons of gods, is shrouded in legend. According to ancient myths, the earliest  gods were Papa and Vatea, progeny of the ancient Earth goddess, Varima-va-te-Takare, who were later known as Papa and Rangi, the primeval parents of all the later Oceanic gods. It is believed that Varima and Rangi were actually Gaea, the primordial earth-mother, known as Eingana to the Australian aborigines, who had survived the destruction of the Elder Gods of Earth by infusing her life into the life-giving essence of the Earth. Many of the Elder Gods had degenerated into demonic status and were destroyed by Atum or had fled Earth for other planes of existence. Atum had been born from Gaea by mating with the sentient biosphere of the Earth known as the Demiurge. Atum later departed the earth, but it is unknown if he is the same figure as Rangi, known alternately as Ouranus by the Greeks and Romans.

According to ancient myths, Papa mated with the primal sky-god, Rangi, and bore him the Atua, the first generation of the Oceanic gods. Rangi so loved Papa that he held her in a tight embrace, resulting in clouds and darkness on earth suppressing all life on earth. In order to save the earth, their sons took turns trying to separate them, opposed only by Tu, the war-god, who cared for nothing else over the gods themselves. Eventually, the young god, Tame, reached maturity and used an enchanted axe to sever the ties connecting earth and heaven, cleaving the two halves and raising his father to a lofty place in the sky. Designating stars to adorn the heavens, he then decorated Earth with trees to lift the vault of heaven. Tame became the most revered of the Oceanic gods and became ruler of the pantheon.

The origins of the Australian gods are unrevealed. All of the aborigine tribes of Australia had their own myths of creation; many of which are contradictory and possibly apocryphal. Their most ancient deity was Yurlunggur, the world serpent, from whom all life originated and who had numerous names. It is possible Yurlunggur was an animistic name of Gaea as mother-earth, as was Altjira, the bird-god who represented the skies. The ancestors of the Australian gods are believed to have visited Australia at a mythical period of time known as the Dreamtime. (According to all Australian tribes, all history exists in three different time periods. The modern age exists in Real Time when mankind exists, the memories of our ancestors taught to their descendants exist in Past Time and then there is a period of time before mankind existed which is called the Dreamtime. Some references inaccurately refer to Celestial Bullima, the land of the Australia gods, as the Dreamtime.) During the Dreamtime, the ancestors of the Australian gods cleaved mountains and rivers and created trees and forests out of the inhospitable territory to make it suitable for mortals. (Later myths even claimed they created man and animals from the rocks of the earth.) Later Australian gods such as Baiame, Bunjil and Nurunderi became the tutelary deities of the Maori ancestors of the Australian tribes with Baiame becoming lord over all. The exact names of the ancestral Australian gods are unrevealed.

Neither Tame nor Baiame objected to the power or sovereignty of the other, and both of them became beneficent and powerful gods who only saw the potential of human beings on earth. They both became members of the Council of Godheads, formed by Odin, Chieftain of the Asgardian gods, to share information on the threat of the Third Host of the Celestials to earth among other potential threats. Both Tame and Baiame also donated portions of the life-energies to Thor required to restore the Asgardians to life after the destruction of the Destroyer melted during the Fourth Host of the Celestials.

The Oceanic gods still have worshippers on earth, but not as many as they had in ancient times due to the presence of religions such as Protestantism and Roman Catholicism carried by invaders through the islands since the 16th Century. Tame is a known member of the Council Elite, comprised of the god-heads of Earth's pantheons in order to monitor threats against the Earth, such as Thanos and Mikaboshi


Body Type: Humanoid
Avg. Height: 6' 0"
Eyes: Two
Hair: Normal
Skin: Normal
Limbs: Two
Fingers: Five with opposable thumb
Toes: Five
Special Adaptations: The Kahunas or Oceanic gods are exceptionally long-lived, but they are not immortal like the Olympian gods; they age very slowly upon reaching adulthood, but they are not invulnerable to death. They are physically more durable than human beings; their skin, bone and tissue being three times more durable and dense than similar tissue in human beings.


Avg. Strength Level: All of the Oceanic gods are superhumanly strong with the average male being able to lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions and the average female being able to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Powers: The Oceanic Gods possess superhuman strength, stamina , longevity and resistance to harm. They are also inclined to tap and manipulate mystical energies for feats of magic, mostly for altering their appearance, communicating over long distances, teleporting through dimension barriers and casting spells. The scope of their powers mostly limited to one object, idea or field, usually tied into their personality. For example, as the Hawaiian god of the sea, Tangaroa has dominance over the ocean and can create incredible tsunamis, whereas, Thuremlin (aka Daramulum), the Australian god of the moon can see at night and manifest lunar energy.
Known Abilities: All the Oceanic gods are capable fighters, hunters and sailors capable of living and existing well without the use of their mystical powers.


Type of Government: Tribal
Level Of Technology: Magic
Cultural Traits: The Oceanic Gods were worshipped as gods in Ancient Polynesia and Pacific Islands well into Australia. Part of their influence might have extended into the Incan gods of South America. 
Names of Representatives:
(Polynesian/Hawaiian gods)
Daqawada, Haumea, Hina, Lono/Rongo, Marama, Namaka, Pele, Polivah, Rangi/Eingana, Sina, Tame, Tangaroa, Tara, Tawhaki/Whiro, Tu, et al.
(Australian gods)
Baiame, Birrah, Brolga, Bunjil, Daramulum, Gnowee, Mamaragan, Marmoo/Narahdarn, et al.
Names of Allies: Maui, Tawhiri



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