Official Name: Kalevalans
Nicknames: Finnish Gods, Finno-Ugrian Gods, Gods of Finland, Lappish Gods, Gods of Lapland, Saami Gods, Mordvin gods, Cheremis Gods,  Siberian Sods, et al. (NOTE: Not all the Siberian gods were preclusively Finnish. Some of them are transplanted Hindu deities, Persian avatars, Chinese gods, surviving Mesopotamian figures and even borrowed Olympian gods.)
Former Aliases: None
Other Current Aliases: None
First Appearance: Thor #301


Dimension of Origin: Celestial Kalevala
Habitat: Temperate
Gravity: Earth-like
Atmosphere: Earth-like
Population: 200-300 (estimated)
Other Associated Dimensions: Celestial Kalevala is the blanket term of a number of a number of domains or territories, each ruled by a separate but independent figure. These domains include, but are possibly not limited to Kalevala, the home of the gods ruled by Ukko, ruler of the Finnish gods; Ahtola, an underwater realm ruled by Nahti, the water-god; Tapiola (or Metsola), a land of forests dominated by Tapio, the forest-god; Pohjola, a frozen wasteland ruled by Louhi, the witch-goddess and Tuoni (Manala), the land of the dead controlled by Tuonetar, the goddess of the dead, and protected by her daughters, the Tuonii. Tuoni can be reached by the river Tuoni-Manalan (also sometimes known as the Tuoni) which runs past Tuonen-portti, the entrance to the underworld guarded by Surma, a ferocious dog akin to Cerberus or Garm, but of indeterminate origin.

The Kalevalans share their domains with a number of other races, much like the Asgardians and the Danaans. These races include a race of elves and faeries known as the Haltia, a race of dwarves known as Maahiset and the Hiisi, a race of demonic entities subservient to Lemp (aka Hiisi), the god of evil.


The Kalevalans or Gods of Finland are a race of superhumanly powerful humanoid beings who were once worshipped by the ancient Finno-Ugrian tribes of Eastern Europe from around 250 BC to 1000 AD when they were rejected in favor of Christianity. They have very few worshippers today, but they are still recognized as important figures of Finnish folklore and literature. The Kalevalans dwell in Celestial Kalevala, a small "pocket" dimension adjacent to Earth with an interdimensional nexus existing somewhere between Celestial Kalevala and Finland on Earth.

The precise origin of the Finnish gods, like that of all of Earth's pantheons of gods, is shrouded in legend. The earliest Finnish gods were Jumala, the primeval sky-father, and Akka, the divine spirit of Earth; their names and epithets sometimes used as names for their children. (Both Jumala and Luonnotar are used as names of the later Finnish Pantheon.) It is believed that Akka was actually Gaea, the primordial earth-mother who had survived the destruction of the Elder Gods of Earth by infusing her life into the life-giving essence of the Earth, later known as Ilmater to the ancient tribes of Finland. Many of the Elder Gods had degenerated into demonic status and were destroyed by Atum or had fled Earth for other planes of existence. Atum had been born from Gaea by mating with the sentient biosphere of the Earth known as the Demiurge. Atum later departed the earth after shedding the excess demonic energies of the Elder Gods he had slain; some of these energies becoming demonic beings like Mephisto, Satannish and Mikaboshi, who became the eternal enemy of the Japanese gods. Whether Jumala was another form of the Demiurge or of Atum himself is unrevealed.

The Finnish gods never developed a truly defined pantheon of gods; different deities were often revered more than others in separate tribes over other native gods. The Finnish tribes often even honored gods such as Zeus and Othin (Odin) from other rival pantheons and merged the traits of those foreign deities with their native deities. Pajonn, the thunder-god, had numerous traits with Thor, and Otso, the war-god, was often merged with the worship rites of Tiermes (Tyr) of the Vikings. Jumala and Akka either stepped aside to allow younger gods like Ukko and Rauni to reign over the Finnish gods, or returned in new forms to reign. As Ilmater, the goddess of the sky, Gaea conceived the majority of the Finnish gods, but unlike the majority of the gods of Earth, the Finnish gods lived on Earth in ancient times with their worshippers and had very human characteristics; they hunted for food and shelter, created homes and migrated with their worshippers from their homeland north of the Caspian Sea in Asia into Kalevala, later known as Suomi (modern Finland), where they developed several small kingdoms such as Kalevala, Tapiola, Metsola and Karelia. As they retired from their godly duties, they retired from Earth into another dimension known as Celestial Kalevala. Vainamoinen, believed to be the last of the children of Ilmater, imparted knowledge of the gods to their worshippers before departing Earth for the last time. In 1157 AD, Eric IX, King of Sweden, lead a crusade to conquer the Finnish tribes and introduced them to Christianity. Finland gradually acquired autonomy in the 17th Century from Russia who had conquered them in the Tenth Century.

Around 1000 AD, Ukko had been approached by Odin, Chieftain of the Asgardian gods, for a favor to meet with the rulers of the other gods once worshipped on Earth to discuss the threat of the Third Host of the Celestials. The rulers of the Earth's pantheons of gods have since become known as the Council of Godheads in order to discuss threats to Earth. The Celestials had threatened to seal off the portals of each of their godly realms unless they promised to stop interfering in mortal affairs. Ukko swore to this pledge and even made a vow to Odin to donate the necessary life energies to the Asgardians slain during the Fourth Host of the Celestials. When Thor came to Celestial Kalevala to petition a portion of the required life energies as part of this vow, Ukko saw that a debt had been paid to his realm and offered Thor the necessary energies to restore the slain Asgardian gods to life. 

Relations with Other Pantheons: The connections between the Finnish Gods with other pantheons is largely speculative. Their worshippers shared territories with the gods of the Vikings, Germans, Russians, Gaels, Celts and even the Romans with worship rites being shared and even merged. Any interactions between their rival deities would have been strained or tenuous at best. Thunder-gods such as Ukko and Zeus shared common traits while Pajonn had more in common with Thor and Perun than Zeus or Hercules.


Body Type: Humanoid
Avg. Height: 6' 0"
Eyes: Two
Hair: Normal
Skin: Normal
Limbs: Two
Fingers: Five with opposable thumb
Toes: Five
Special Adaptations: The Kalevalans or Finnish Gods are exceptionally long-lived, but they are not immortal like the Olympian gods; they age very slowly upon reaching adulthood, but they are not invulnerable to death. They are physically more durable than human beings; their skin, bone and tissue being three times more durable and dense than similar tissue in human beings.


Avg. Strength Level: All  Kalevalans are superhumanly strong with the average male being able to lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions and the average female being able to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Powers: The Kalevalans possess superhuman strength, stamina, longevity and resistance to harm. They are also inclined to tap and manipulate mystical energies for feats of magic, mostly for altering their appearance, communicating over long distances, teleporting through dimension barriers and casting spells. The scope of their powers mostly limited to one object, idea or field, usually tied into their personality. For example, as the Finnish god of sky, Ukko has dominance over the sky and can control the weather, enabling him to create rain or throw lightning bolts, whereas, Beiwe, the Finnish goddess of the sun, can generate great light and heat equal to a small sun.
Known Abilities: The Kalevalans have abilities to tap into and manipulate most forms of magic.


Type of Government: Monarchy
Level Of Technology: Magic
Cultural Traits: The Kalevalans or Finnish Gods were primarily worshipped as gods in Ancient Finland with worshippers as far east as Siberia.
Names of Representatives: Akka (Ilmater), Beiwe, Ilmarinen, Jumala, Kalma, Kivutar, Kuu, Lemminkainen, Loviator, Manala, Nahti, Nyyrikki, Otso, Pajonn, Pellervoinen, Rauni, Suonetar, Tapio, Teppo, Tuonetar, Tuulikki, Ukko, Vainamoinen, Vammater, et al



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