Real Name: Nuadhu Airgedlamh

Occupation: Ruler of Eire (c. 1890 - 1880 BC), former Warrior

Legal Status: Citizen of Ancient Ireland

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Nuadhu except as a mythological deity.

Other Aliases: Nuadha, Nauda, Nodens (alternate spellings of his name), "Nuadhu of the Silver Hand" (translation of his name)

Place of Birth: possibly Murias located somewhere in ancient Gaul (modern France and Germany)

Place of Death: allegedly the Plain of Magh Tuiredh (modern Moytura) in County Mayo, Ireland

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: The Dagda (father), Ethliu (mother), Echtach (foster father), Macha (wife), Caither, Cucharn, Etarlam, Echtgene, Gaible, Tadg (sons), Mider, Oghma, Oenghus, Bodb Dearg (half-brothers), Brigid, Andraste, Epona (half-sisters),

Group Affiliations: The Tuatha de Danaan (Gods of Eire)

Base of Operations: Annwyn, formerly Tara in County Meath, Ireland

First Appearance: Spectacular Spiderman Annual 8

History: Nuadhu Airgedlamh is the son of Eochaid Ollathir, the mortal incarnation of the Dagda, the ruler of the Celtic Gods, and Ethlin, a member of the Tuatha de Danaan. The Danaans were one of a series of invaders trying to claim Ancient Eire from the Fomorians, a race of gods who controlled the island. The Fomorians had repelled successive invaders with the Danaans being the latest band of invaders to attempt to claim Eire in the Nineteenth Century BC. Their claimed ancestral rights to Eire as their homeland through Partholon, their ancestor who had claimed the land, plus they wanted Eire because it was at the nexus of the several ley lines which crossed the planet. Guided by the Celtic gods, themselves descended from the Fomore, Nuadhu lead the Danaans to battle against the Fir Bholg, the indigenous tribe who worshipped the Fomore as gods, and clashed with Sreng, a Fir Bholg warrior in the Battle of Magh Tureidh. Although the Danaans were successful, Nuadhu lost his right hand in battle which prevented him from claiming the throne of Eochaid mac Erc, the defeated Fir Bholg king. The Danaans preferred a ruler who was without injury, and Nuadhu surrendered the throne to Bres, his nephew, who turned out to be half Fomore by birth and surrendered the island back to the Fomorians, who seized the throne and placed the Danaans into subservience.

Nuadhu, however, had a new hand grafted for him out of silver by Diancecht, a Danaan healer, who also created a mystical spring to heal the Danaans of any injuries they received in battle. The Danaans then met the Fomore at a second Battle of Magh Tureidh in what is now County Sligo, Ireland and finally drove the Fomore from Eire. Nuadhu claimed the throne and moved it to Tara in County Meath. He was later replaced on the throne by Lugh Lamhfada who had led the Danaans on their second victory against the Fomore, driving them from Earth into another dimension. While they controlled Eire, several of the Danaans departed Earth and became the Celtic gods, their mortal descendants carrying their worship through Britain, Gaul and Western Europe where they clashed with the Vikings, Greeks and Romans. In the Seventeenth Century, the Danaans surrendered Eire to the Milesians, who claimed their right to Eire as descendants of Milesius, a descendant of Partholon.

Nuadhu reportedly lost his life in the second Battle of Magh Tuiredh. Rather than becoming a god, his spirit descended down into Anwyn, the land of the dead, ruled by Arawn, the Celtic god of the dead. Over the years, he felt embittered to having lost the throne or perhaps by not ascending into becoming immortal with the other Celtic gods in Avalon and he began cultivating a small cult of followers on Earth. Somehow, he became aware of three stones of remarkable power which he was convinced would give him the power to escape Anwyn and return to Earth. Over hundreds of years, his followers subsequently located the scattered stones in Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka and Central Bend, Wisconsin. Nuadhu was confronted by the Young Gods confronting his followers in his quest for power and used the power of the Uni-Mind to drive him from Earth and back to Anwyn.

Some time afterward, Thanos of the Eternals acquired the Infinity Gauntlet and used it to seize control of the universe. To estimate his power, the Council of God-Kings comprised of the relative godheads of the Earth's pantheons of gods gathered to assess Thanos as a threat. In this gathering, a figure calling himself Nuadhu appeared on behalf of the Celtic gods. It is unsure if this is the same Nuadhu who encountered the Young Gods or a separate Celtic god with the same name.  

Height: 7' 0"
Weight: 325 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde (Black in spirit form)

Unusual Physical Characteristics: In life, Nuadhu wore a silver prosthesis to conceal a missing right hand. As a spirit, he appeared as a silver-skinned being.

Strength Level: In life, Nuadhu possessed exceptional but not superhuman strength enabling him to lift almost 1000 pounds under optimal conditions. Today, his strength level is at much heightened levels but to an unknown degree. (The typical Celtic god  possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 30 tons under optimal conditions.)

Known Superhuman Powers: Nuadhu possessed the ability to tap into and manipulate mystical energy but not at a level of most magicians, such as Merlin or Morgan Le Fay. Possibly taught these powers by ancient Celtic druids, he could extend his will to the mortal realm as a spirit and animate the remains of the dead, such as skeletons or entities composed of organic remains. He could conjure mystic bonds and drain the life forces of the living, granting him control over his victims, but some individuals of particularly strong will such as the Young Gods can resist his power. The full extent of Nuadhu's mystic powers are unrevealed.

Abilities: Nuadhu is an accomplished leader and warrior trained in the arts of Celtic warfare.

Weapons: Nuadhu owned an enchanted indestructible sword forged for him by Uscias, a Danaan wizard who dwelled in the town of Findias located somewhere near the Danube river in Western Europe. 

Comments: It is unsure if Nuadhu is the same figure as the god Nodens, a tutelary deity of the healing sanctuary in Lydney, Gloucestershire, equated with the Roman Neptune. Nodens (or Nudd) is also the name of a Lord of the Dead and Master of the Wild Hunt, a vague figure who possibly inspired the basis of the Marvel Comics character.

In Nuadhu's time period, Ireland was known as Inisfail; it was later dubbed Eire (Ireland) by the invading Milesians promising to name it after the goddess Eri, wife of the Irish king Mac Greine and mother of Bres.

Clarifications: Nuadhu Airgedlamh is not to be confused with:

Last updated: 06/18/10


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