Real Name: Urion (original spelling)

Occupation: Warrior, Hunter

Legal Status: Citizen of Ancient Greece

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Orion except as a mythological character.

Other Aliases: None known

Place of Birth: Unrevealed, possibly Athens, Greece

Marital Status: Widowed

Known RelativesPoseidon (father), Euryale (mother, deceased), Chrysaor (half-brother), Pegasus ("half-sister") Zeus, Hades (uncles), Hera, Demeter, Hestia (paternal aunts), Medusa, Stheno (maternal aunts, deceased), Side (wife, deceased), Hyrieus (father-in-law, deceased) 

Group Affiliations: ally of Artemis

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Forensic Files, Episode: "Sign of the Zodiac"

History: Orion is the son of Poseidon, the Olympian god of the sea and Euryale, who was among the Gorgons, minor goddesses who attended Athena, the goddess of wisdom. However, Athena discovered the Gorgons had dallied with Poseidon in her temple and cursed them, stripping them of their beauty. Orion and Chrysaor, Poseidon's sons by Euryale and Medusa, were spared the insult of Athena's wrath and grew to extraordinary stature as adults. The Gorgons meanwhile retreated from Olympus, the home of the gods, for Libya where their horrible looks turned men to stone. ( In another legend, Orion is also alternately called the grandson of King Minos of Crete by his daughter Euryale; this alternate version is unconfirmed.) As an adult, Orion grew up to become a bold hunter.

According to legend, Orion is alternately called the son of King Hyrieus of Boetian Hyria (now part of modern Greece). Three of the Olympian gods, Zeus, Poseidon and Hermes were traveling through Hyria and were welcomed by Hyrieus as his guests, hospitably entertaining them with food, wine and gifts. Pleased with his hospitality, Zeus offered Hyrieus any boon he requested and although he had a daughter, Hyrieus desired a suitable heir for his throne. Poseidon told him to sacrifice a bull to the gods and to bury it afterward where upon Orion soon emerged. However, the later version to the story is that Orion married Side, the daughter of Hyrieus, and became his heir to the throne. However, Side became very vain and soon declared herself more beautiful than Hera, the Queen of the Olympian Gods. For the insult, Hera exiled Side to the underworld.

Orion then tried to woo Merope, the daughter of King Oenopion of Chios, who took it upon himself to stall and delay their wedding. One night, Orion seduced Merope, and Oenopion blinded him for his presumption, driving him from the island afterward. With Poseidon's help, Orion made his way to Lemnos where the Hephaestus kept his forge. Possibly instructed by Poseidon and out of pity, Hephaestus gave Orion the aide of his animated servant, Cedalion, to serve as his guide. Cedalion helped Orion to travel east for Rhodes to find Helios, the god of the sun, who was able to mystically restore Orion's sight. Orion then hurriedly returned to Chios to have his revenge on Oenopion, but the wily king had himself hidden by his servants in an underground chamber which ironically had been created by Hephaestus as a gift from Poseidon. Unable to find his enemy, Orion eventually gave up on his vengeance and traveled to Crete for a hunting expedition.

In Crete, Orion became friends with Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. According to one legend, he boasted to Artemis that he could hunt and kill any animal on Earth. For that claim, Gaea sent a great scorpion to face which stung him and killed him, but Artemis must have cured him or the reports of his death were erroneous. Artemis actually so enjoyed their companionship that she decided to revoke her vow of remaining a virgin in order to marry him. Her brother, Apollo, however, decided to help her keep to her vow. One day as Orion was swimming out at sea, Apollo caught sight of his head in the water, and pointed out the unrecognizable object to Artemis, wagering that she could not hit it with an arrow. Artemis was able to strike the object, but she was afterward horrified when Orion's lifeless body floated ashore. She designated the constellation Orion in his honor although later myths claim she physically lifted the image to the skies to become the stars. It is unrevealed if Artemis ever learned of Apollo's duplicity in Orion's death.

Upon his death, Orion was allowed ever-lasting life in the Elysian Fields, a region of the underworld set aside for the favored of the gods. In recent years, a Manhattan serial killer named Heriberto "Eddie" Seda terrorized the New York City area with a series of Zodiac-based murders and called himself, the Zodiac Killer, even going as far as to take false credit for another Zodiac Killer thirty years prior in San Francisco. In his letters taunting the police, a tactic copied from the original killer, Seda claimed he could only be caught by Orion and the Pleiades, referring to their stars in the skies over Earth. To end Seda's boasting, Artemis petitioned Hades to allow Orion to return to Earth in exchange for Seda in the underworld. Orion afterward briefly returned to Earth and tracked down Seda ahead of the authorities, marking him on behalf of Hades for trying to corrupt the Zodiac.

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Orion possesses extraordinary (but not superhuman) strength enabling him to lift (press) almost 1,000 pounds under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Orion possesses extraordinary physical attributes above most human beings due to his godly heritage, granting him incredible strength, stamina, reflexes and resistance to harm. He is also an exceptional swimmer due to his godly attributes and can dive deeper than most human beings and hold his breath much longer under water due to his more efficient physiology. According to some myths, he was capable of walking on water, but this may be a hyperbole.

Abilities: Orion is an exceptional hunter and warrior trained in both armed and unarmed combat.

Weapons: Orion is proficient with a sword, spear and bow and arrow.

Comments: Orion has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.

In Greek Mythology, Hyrieus sacrificed a bull and buried it, whereupon the gods urinated upon it to create Orion, but this seems to be some sort of corruption of the myth and the name "Urion."

The myth of Orion, though widely known, never assumed a canonical form of being treated by a single poet. It survives in a great many variant forms, especially among late and obscure Classical writers, such as Homer, Apollodorus and Hyginus.

Clarifications: Orion is not to be confused with:

Last updated: 07/31/11

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