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An unjust accusation

Dear Editor,
I refer to the letter captioned "Awaiting publication of the Cuban awardee list" by Ms. Debbie Backer, a PNC Member of Parliament and party spokesperson (SN 21/9/02).

Ms. Backer looking at a photo carried in the Stabroek News came to the conclusion that the majority of awardees for Cuban scholarships were Indo-Guyanese and this alarmed her as well as several irate citizens who spoke with her. She and the irate citizens felt that Afro-Guyanese were being marginalized and discriminated against. Well, the Stabroek News pointed out that there were as many Black as Indian awardees.

A few days before Ms. Backer's letter, SN carried a story of the award of five prestigious and expensive British awards. And all the awardees were Black. I am sure Ms. Backer and the irate citizens will show their alarm at 100% of those awardees being Black with no Indian.This kind of attitude which was made part of the political life of the nation by political parties like the PNC/R is certainly not in the interest of PNC supporters or anyone else.

 A survey of the scholarship and training awardees for the last 50 years, and especially during the time of Messrs Burnham and Hoyte will tell a very embarrassing story, making many more citizens irate.

Yours faithfully,
Herman Gomes